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Olivia Rodrigo’s First Date Question Is a Surefire Way To Never Date a Man

By Emma Chance | News | November 7, 2024 |

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In a video promoting her Guts World Tour Netflix doc, Olivia Rodrigo revealed the question she always asks guys on first dates:

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“I always ask them if they think that they would want to go to space. And if they say ‘yes,’ I don’t date them. I just think if you wanna go to space, you’re a little too full of yourself. I think it’s just weird.”

This quote got picked up by Pop Crave, who tweeted it on space man himself, Elon Musk’s X, where Musk’s ex (there’s an X/ex joke in there but it’s too early in the day for me to be firing on all cylinders like that), Grimes, responded thusly:

Well, I guess she would know.

But here’s the problem, Liv: Every man I’ve ever met wants to go to space. I’m sitting next to my boyfriend on the couch right now. We’re having our morning coffee and watching The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. I give you this information so you know that he is not full of himself, he’s a good man and he loves me and he humors me when I want to watch my silly shows first thing in the morning. But, hell yeah, he wants to go to space.

“I absolutely want to go to space,” he said when I told him Olivia’s question. “Man, if I had the chance to be in orbit…,” and then his eyes glazed over and he went to another place deep within himself. Space, probably.

Remember when we talked about the Roman Empire and how men always think about it? (For the record, I just checked, and yes, my boyfriend always thinks about the Roman Empire. Actually, when that meme started, he had just come back from a trip to Rome.) Space is that, too. I, for one, couldn’t care less about space and going there. There’s plenty of stuff on Earth I wanna see first.

Clearly, Olivia Rodrigo agrees, and I guess she found the one guy who does, too.