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Facts About 'The Lost Boys' to Go With Your Garlic T-Shirt, Buddy

By Jodi Smith | Mindhole Blowers | September 3, 2016 |

By Jodi Smith | Mindhole Blowers | September 3, 2016 |

The Lost Boys premiered July 31, 1987, making it 29 years old. I could have waited until it turned a nice, round 30 next year, but now you can read these facts today AND a year from now. You’re welcome.

1. This landmark film was the first to star the Two Coreys: Feldman and Haim. While the older members of the cast hung out late night, Feldman and Haim played arcade games and watched movies. They would share the screen in 12 more films over their careers. Sadly, Haim died from pneumonia in 2010. He was 38.

2. Richard Donner was the executive producer on the flick, but he was also originally attached to direct. When Donner was offered the script for Lethal Weapon, he handed the reins to video director Mary Lambert. Lambert left after creative differences and Joel Schumacher stepped in to direct.

3. The original script was more evident in its inspiration, with much younger characters who were named after the Lost Boys of Peter Pan. Writers Jan Fischer and James Jeremias were enamored with the idea of Peter Pan being a vampire who turns all of his Lost Boys into vampire companions that never age. Dianne Wiest’s Lucy was named Wendy and her sons were Michael (Jason Patric) and John (Haim). The names were changed and the Grandfather character added with the final draft written by Jeffrey Boam. When Schumacher came on board the project, he insisted the children all be aged up into teenagers because they are “sexier”.


4. The Frog Brothers, Edgar and Allan, are named after Edgar Allan Poe.

5. Kiefer Sutherland was reluctant to sign onto the film as head vampire David. He was eventually swayed when he found out that the soundtrack would feature Australian artists INXS and Jimmy Barnes. Sutherland had spent a summer in Australia as a child and grew very fond of the bands while he was there.

6. This film is credited for bringing the phrase “vamp out” to the mainstream and, of course, Sunnydale. Joss Whedon even notes that Spike’s look in Buffy the Vampire Slayer was informed by the look of Sutherland in The Lost Boys.

7. Kiefer Sutherland’s father, Donald Sutherland, would eventually star in the movie version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer in 1992.


8. The vampires in Twilight were not the first to bring sparkle into the undead lore. Haim said that the blood used on set had glitter in it for a shimmer of gore magic.

9. Jason Patric has a half-brother named Joshua John Miller. The two of them starred in movies in 1987 that involved a group of vampires “half-turning” an attractive young man into one of them before he is cured: Near Dark and The Lost Boys.

10. The movie was filmed over 3 weeks.