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‘We Live In Time’ Inspired Florence Pugh to Prioritize Her Love Life

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | September 20, 2024 |

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | September 20, 2024 |


Early reviews of director John Crowley’s new film, We Live In Time, have been positive, calling it “transcendently life-affirming” and praising the chemistry between its stars, Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield, as “achingly palpable.” (The Hollywood Reporter)

Pugh agrees and says the movie had a major impact on her.

“Watching this movie makes me want to be active in my decisions and actually live,” 28-year-old Pugh told British Vogue, adding, “I was at the right age for this movie to land.”

“I was going through a lot of weird stuff with relationships last year, and I think part of the story is to not be passive, to not let things wash over you. I want to go and find love, and I want to have babies.”

She explained that work has been getting in the way:

“I’m an absolute work maniac. I can see I’m exhausted. I suddenly woke up last year and realized, ‘I hate how much of my life I’ve missed.’ Yes, I want a career forever, but that’s not going to happen if I work myself into the ground.”

This 28-year-old workaholic knows exactly what she’s talking about. I’ve avoided love in favor of my career for most of my 20s, and now that’s not working for me anymore.

“Something I resonate with is the belief that if magic is real, then it’s falling in love,” Pugh added. “I love falling in love. I love looking after people, caring for them, and knowing someone is thinking about me as I’m thinking about them. At this stage of my life, I’m trying to make all the right decisions to have what I want… which is safety, family, a home, and security.”

She’s currently seeing someone, though she didn’t name them. About the relationship, she said, “I think for the first time, I’m not allowing myself to go on a rollercoaster. I’m taking time to let something evolve and be completely real, as opposed to racing into it.”

Maybe 28 is just the age for that—fingers crossed for both of us.