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The Trailer for 'Lincoln Project' Tracks the Messy Rise and Disastrous Fall of the Anti-Trump SuperPac

By Dustin Rowles | TV | September 28, 2022 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | September 28, 2022 |


I am guessing that when The Lincoln Project allowed directors Karim Amer and Fisher Stevens into the inner workings of their anti-TFG Super Pac that they had no idea The Lincoln Project itself would crash in on itself. I mean, look: I have no love for its founders — George Conway, Steve Schmidt, John Weaver, and Rick Wilson — but as one of the founders suggests in the trailer, when it comes to saving Democracy, “You need every useful son of a bitch you can get on your side.”

I’m not entirely sure what effect The Lincoln Project had on the outcome of the 2020 election — I’m sure it didn’t hurt — but Joe Biden won, and afterward, the founders got what was coming to them. John Weaver was ousted after sexual harassment allegations against multiple men surfaced; George Conway went through whatever the hell it is he went through with his daughter and wife, Kellyanne Conway; and Steve Schmidt had some sort of anti-Meghan McCain meltdown, which was both amazing and a little sad. Rick Wilson also weirdly got torched on social media by … Domino’s Pizza.

Here’s the trailer for Showtime’s 5-part miniseries The Lincoln Project, which I’ll watch and report back on, if only because I love a good mess, all the more when it’s political.

The Lincoln Project debuts on Showtime on October 7th.