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Candace Cameron Bure Is 'Not for the Girls'

By Emma Chance | TV | July 12, 2023 |

By Emma Chance | TV | July 12, 2023 |


“One of the Tanner sisters is like very publicly … uh … not for the girls, if that makes sense,” Miss Benny, the trans actress of Glamorous fame said in a recent TikTok video in response to a fan question about homophobia on the cast of Fuller House.

“I got sat down by the writers and the studio to basically warn me how this person allegedly was trying to get the character removed and not have a queer character on the show.”

Miss Benny didn’t directly identify Fuller House star Candace Cameron Bure as the culprit, but she really didn’t need to.

Bure is a famous homophobe, whether she sees it that way or not. After her childhood debut on the original Full House she became the Hallmark Channel queen, starring in numerous romcoms and Christmas movies. But even Hallmark wasn’t squeaky clean enough for her, so she went on to start The Great American Family channel, where she said the Christmas movies would “keep traditional marriage at the core.”

Bure responded to the obvious outrage at such a statement thusly:

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She took a much more formal approach in refuting Miss Benny’s claims, telling The Hollywood Reporter:

“I never asked Miss Benny’s character to be removed from Fuller House and did not ask the writers, producers or studio executives to not have queer characters on the show. Fuller House has always welcomed a wide range of characters. I thought Miss Benny did a great job on the show. We didn’t share any scenes together, so we didn’t get a chance to talk much while filming on set. I wish Miss Benny only the best.”

Miss Benny went on in the video to say that she was warned that she might be targeted by the fanbase of the person who didn’t want her on the show. “It continuously blows my mind how queer people, specifically queer young adults and queer children, are being targeted and having to advocate for themselves against adults,” she concluded.

@ihatemissbenny Replying to @Teddy Bear queue some nervous fidgeting. #fullerhouse #greenscreen #candacebure original sound - Miss Benny