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'Tough Guy' Greg Gutfeld Calls For A Civil War

By Andrew Sanford | Politics | October 6, 2023 |

By Andrew Sanford | Politics | October 6, 2023 |


I am not a “tough guy.” I grew up with two brothers in a less-than-savory part of Massachusetts, so I know how to fight. I don’t need to compensate for anything. There’s no delusion in my mind that, at any moment, I should be ready to tell someone how tough I am. When you think of a “tough guy” (quotes needed), you think of someone who is all smoke and no fire. They talk a big game but aren’t going to get their hands dirty.

They won’t do s***. At their core, these “tough guys” are just looking to stoke fires and hop in their town cars to be escorted away from danger. They hide behind a persona of self-confidence that would break like a twig when facing any real threat. “Tough guys” add a little bass to their voice and think that will make everyone forget they’re a sniveling braggart with little to back up their claims of superiority. There are plenty of these “tough guys” in the world. Today, I’m aiming my sights lower (about five and a half feet off the ground).

Greg Gutfeld is the self-proclaimed King of Late-Night who can’t make his audience laugh. His jokes are hack, his points are absurd, and no one will miss him when he dies. His entire being screams overcompensation. Perhaps that’s because he stands four inches below the national average. At the very least, that explains why he hides behind a former pro-wrestler (who, admittedly, makes Gutfeld look even smaller). This former editor of Maxim Magazine isn’t worth the paper he has to read his inane opinions from. I know! Why go after someone’s height? Why make fun of this small, insecure man? Sometimes, the only way to deal with a bully is to bully them back.

To be clear, Gutfeld’s fascistic absurdity goes beyond bullying. In 2022, he downplayed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This year, he claimed Black people benefitted from slavery and that Jewish people benefitted from the Holocaust. He sucks! There is no reason to be nice to this Smurf-like purveyor of preposterous prejudiced peeves. As if he hasn’t sunk low enough (and we know he physically can), Gutfeld is calling for a Civil War.

Claiming that elections don’t work and spouting all manner of falsehoods about cities and citizens, Gutfeld calls for war. He says since one side won’t change, they need to be forced to change. He’s not the first far-right firebrand to call for a Civil War. These empty threats get levied all the time. I call them empty because there’s too much money tied into this country as a whole, and the party of Reaganomics knows that. I also know for a fact that no one like Greg Gutfeld is going to throw the first punch.

Gutfeld is posturing and posing. The only things Greg Gutfeld is going to war with are high curbs, tall stools, and the deep end of a swimming pool. This chicken shit would be the first one to throw up a white flag when things got rough, and not because whiteness is the only thing that makes him feel safe. Greg Gutfeld is a coward. He would sooner yell at a server for his soda being too cold (it makes his teeth hurt) than he would join any war effort. If he really wants to be a “tough guy,” he can take his calls for violence to the streets. Get out of your safe space, Greg. If you want to talk shit, stand on a chair and say it to someone’s face.