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John Fetterman Accurately Refers To Latest Far-Right Antics As A 'Circle Jerk'

By Andrew Sanford | Politics | September 7, 2023 |

By Andrew Sanford | Politics | September 7, 2023 |


Taking the high road is hard. It isn’t easy, but holding it together while people attempt to assault your character is a useful skill to hone. It’s about denying the people attempting to get a rise out of you the opportunity to succeed. Don’t let them see you break because weakness makes them stronger. That said, occasionally the only way to deal with bullies is to hit them back. That’s what Freshman Senator John Fetterman is doing.

When speaking with MSNBC, Fetterman called out Congressional Republicans, specifically those in the “fringe right,” for wanting to impeach President Biden. The attempt will likely never pass the Senate, so Fetterman is calling it what it is: bulls***. “Go ahead, do it. I dare you,” Fetterman said. “It would just be like a big circle jerk on the fringe right.” He continued, saying, “Your man has, what, three or four indictments now? … Sometimes, you just gotta call their bulls***.”

This is the kind of stuff that got Fetterman elected to begin with. You can’t fake authenticity, though many politicians try. This is Fetterman telling it like it is. Instead of ignoring the inane rantings of the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene and her ilk, Fetterman is calling them out.

What makes this sweeter is that Fetterman does what many Republicans wish they could. Despite coming from an admittedly privileged background, Fetterman has turned himself into a man of the people. The reason he’s done that successfully is because it doesn’t feel forced. He’s coming from a genuine place, and most people genuinely see the far-right’s attempt to impeach Biden as ridiculous.

There are far too many attempts by Democrats to reach across an aisle Republicans have no desire to cross. We need more representatives like Fetterman who don’t like to mince words. Bullies are going to bully. There’s no stopping that. What we can do is fight fire with fire when necessary.