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Brief Highlights from Day One of the January 6th Hearings

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | June 10, 2022 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | June 10, 2022 |


If you follow politics closely, spend too much time on Twitter, and read those cash-grab books written by former Trump administration officials, most of what aired during the first night of the January 6th hearings will not come as a huge surprise. Most Americans, however, probably learned a few new things last night, unless they were watching Tucker Carlson.

He aired a commercial-free hour to prevent his viewers from flipping over to learn, for instance, that Sean Hannity had basically called their viewers “crazy people” in a plea to White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany on January 6th to advise Trump, “No more stolen election talk,” while also raising the real specter of invoking the 25th Amendment.

Betsy DeVos actually did have discussions with VP Mike Pence about invoking the 25th Amendment and resigned when Pence decided against it, despite the fact that — when insurrectionists threatened to hang Mike Pence — Trump said that he “deserved it.”

Trump, in fact, made no real effort to break up the insurrection that he ignited because the insurrectionists were serving his interest in remaining in power.

Trump knew that he was peddling the Big Lie, too, because most of his advisors — even those most loyal to him — told him as much, including Jason Miller, his Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, AG Bill Barr, and even his own daughter.

The insurrection was, in part, led by the Proud Boys, whose numbers grew after Trump told them to “stand by” on national TV. Many of them bypassed the rally and went straight toward the insurrection they believe Trump asked them to lead.

While Laura Ingraham would have you believe that the insurrection was no big deal, Capitol Police Office Caroline Edwards would suggest otherwise:

Finally, Jared Kusher — who basically washed his hands of the Trump Administration and started making plans to move to Miami in December — dismissed White House Counsel Pat Cipollone’s threats to resign as “whining.” Also, I think we’ve found the most suitable role in Hollywood for Ansel Elgort.