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Anti-Woke Author Who Could Not Define Woke Gets Petty

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | March 16, 2023 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | March 16, 2023 |


Bethany Mandel is the co-author of a book about how radicals are indoctrinating young people in America, which is a far less scary prospect than young people being indoctrinated by 4Chan, QAnon, Twitter, or even Facebook. Conservatives believe that the real danger in America is white people learning about slavery, going to a bathroom, or being read children’s stories by drag queens when the actual dangers are guns, systemic corruption, global warming, and being brainwashed by one political party that would rather deny reality than confront our problems.

I have never seen anyone killed by CRT, but sure: Go off, Bethany Mandel! But before you go off, if you’re an author of an anti-woke book speaking to a liberal journalist about your anti-woke book knowing that a number of conservatives have been asked the same thing in recent months, maybe have an answer to the question, “What does woke mean?” in your back pocket. Otherwise, you look like this:

Ouch, ouch: That is embarrassing. But don’t y’all worry: Mandel had a quick excuse (whataboutism) and a nonsensical answer at the ready (hours later):

Do you know who demeans parenting more than anyone? Parents!

I have no idea what this has to do with Mandel’s inability to define woke seven minutes into the interview. Sounds like Mandel just wanted to be petty and make Briahna Joy Gray look bad. Also, it illustrates how easily she is rattled. What a snowflake! For someone saying this is not an excuse, it sure sounds like an excuse. Maybe someone should ask Mandel to define excuse, as well.

That definition sounds nonsensical, but I think she’s saying that people advocating for equality for everyone across gender and race is a “radical.” That “redefining” society in which all groups are treated equally is … bad?

I think they actually believe that. They believe that anything that threatens their place atop the hierarchy is “woke.” I think that using the word “woke” is in and of itself lame and embarrassing and a way to spotlight those, like Mandel, who are painfully out of touch.