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Democracy Dies in Dorkness

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | November 18, 2024 |

Header Image Source: Getty

In case you can’t make out the anthropomorphic thumb on the left, yes, that is Joe Rogan getting ready to hug Donald Trump at this weekend’s UFC fight. The same fight where our incoming president rolled with his brow-beaten entourage and reportedly drank PRIME with Elon Musk, which is genuinely the most exciting news I’ve heard in weeks. An almost-octogenarian with a circulatory system clogged full of McDonald’s is chugging an energy drink that’s banned in the UK so he can roll with the young bucks? Ohmygod yes. Folks, this thing might work itself out. (Daily Beast)

Violeta’s Sexiest Men Alive, Gael García Bernal and Diego Luna, are out promoting Hulu’s first Spanish-language show La Máquina. (Lainey Gossip)

Denzel Washington claims he made some clunkers in the ’90s, and I desperately need to know which films he’s talking about. (Celebitchy)

Was Tulsi Gabbard in a cult that eats its leader’s toenails? Is she still? (Wonkette)

From Jen: Good news, sports fans. (ESPN)

Zack Snyder wants to make a movie about the LAPD? Alright. (THR)

I know I should probably never say the words “Here’s a hilarious story about Diddy” ever again, but this is a hilarious story about Diddy. I’m sorry! (Rolling Stone)

I regret to inform you that the sandwiches have gone woke. (Daily Mail)

Rebecca Hall would like to un-apologize for working with Woody Allen. (IndieWire)

Jonathan Majors is engaged. Yikes. (People)

Are you craving a collection of spooky stories? Cosbrarian recommends Living Ghosts and Mischievous Monsters: Chilling American Indian Stories by Dan SaSuWeh Jones. “The stories are a mix of traditional folk legends as well as contemporary accounts of the paranormal within American Indian communities.” (Cannonball Read 16)

are we still doing these

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— Dave Itzkoff ( November 17, 2024 at 11:08 PM