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The 2024 Presidential Election Open Thread

By Dustin Rowles | News | November 5, 2024 |

Header Image Source: Getty Images

I was checking old Election Day open threads, and I love that our open thread in 2012 advertised this place as “a slightly less political place to hang out.” We’ve come a long way in 12 years. That was also the year that Maine became the first state in the nation to legalize gay marriage by referendum.

I also loved this little timestamp in the comments.


8:18 PM PST.

Wouldn’t it be nice to know that Kamala Harris was the winner by 11:15 EST tonight? Well, don’t count on it. In our 2020 open thread, there are people in the comments waking up in the middle of the night to check in (before we moved it to another open thread) because they were having electoral college nightmares.

Anyway, for luck, I’m going to repeat verbatim the 2020 open thread text:

This is it, folks. Results start coming in around 7 p.m. Don’t expect to know much until late in the night, if at all. Ignore everything you hear coming out of the Trump campaign. Cross your fingers, pray to your respective Gods, and talk amongst yourselves. I’ll join you from time to time and may even update this post in the event that important news comes in.

Good luck, everyone. Hopefully, it will not be a repeat of 2016.