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Somehow A New 'Star Wars' Trilogy Has Been Ordered

By Andrew Sanford | News | November 8, 2024 |

Header Image Source: Photo credit should read JOSH EDELSON/AFP via Getty Images

I have spent much of my life escaping to a galaxy far, far away, and the worlds of Star Wars have comforted me greatly. The lights and sounds of the ships and sabers fill me with glee. I’ve waited eagerly in the theater for that sweeping orchestra to kick in and sweep me away from my cares. Still, even I have my limits. There is enough Star Wars now that I have become overwhelmed and haven’t seen much of what has come out in the last several years, a fact that would horrify my younger self.

It’s not that I’ve lost my love of this fantastical universe—far from it! Star Wars remains something deeply special to me. Like many others, The Rise of Skywalker dampened that specialness for me, but I still get a magic feeling anytime I watch most of the films. But, what made that easier, is there weren’t many movies or shows to watch for a long time. There were books and games, some treated like movies, but the core films remained an event, even when Disney began producing them.

This isn’t a “there’s too much Star Wars” complaint article. I don’t mind that the universe has expanded, it just makes it harder to keep up. The franchise has shied away from “core” films since ROS, with its next theatrical release being a Mandalorian film. There have been rumors and announcements concerning the continuation of the Skywalker Saga, but little has materialized and even more things have come and gone without ever getting in front of cameras. Now, they aim to change that. Maybe.

Deadline reports that Disney has signed a deal with Simon Kinberg to develop, produce, and write a new trilogy of Star Wars films. For those keeping count, this is the third new trilogy to be announced in the last six years, including ones reportedly ordered from Rian Johnson and the team of David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. Kinberg is a longtime writer and producer who directed the last Fox X-Men film, Dark Phoenix. That movie came out during a transitional period (Fox being purchased by Disney) but people have, justifiably, listed it as a cause for concern over Kinberg’s involvement. That said, he co-created Star Wars Rebels with Dave Filoni and Carrie Beck, so he has legit Star Wars credentials.

We don’t know much about his trilogy yet, for obvious reasons. Rumors are circulating that say it will and won’t be a continuation of the Skywalker Saga. There aren’t even any directors in place, so who knows? The biggest question surrounding these movies currently is whether or not they will even happen. An announcement is all well and good, but we’ve seen those before and they mean almost nothing until the cameras start rolling.