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Renewals and Cancellations: 'Shrinking,' 'Slow Horses,' 'Rick & Morty,' 'Parish'

By Dustin Rowles | News | October 18, 2024 |

Header Image Source: Apple TV+

I am giddy about the return of Shrinking. It’s my television happy place right now, and the good news is: it’s been renewed for a third season. It might be the final season—Bill Lawrence, Brett Goldstein, and Jason Segel originally envisioned three—but it’s such a great hangout show that I hope they keep it around for a few more. Speaking of which, whatever happened to the discussions surrounding the fourth season of Ted Lasso?

Apple TV+ has also smartly renewed Slow Horses for a sixth season, just a week after the fourth season concluded. They can keep this show going for years, as far as I’m concerned—it’s a nice six-week gem every year. My only issue with the series is that, after spending that much time with Gary Oldman’s greasy hair, I always feel compelled to shower.

Ahead of its eighth season in 2025, Adult Swim has renewed Rick & Morty for two more seasons, bringing the total to ten and keeping it on air at least through 2029. Whoever is elected President next month, at least we know that Rick & Morty will outlast their term.

Oh, Parish, we hardly knew you. I joked a few weeks ago on the Pajiba Slack that AMC didn’t even bother canceling the Giancarlo Esposito series because the announcement would be the first time most people had even heard of it. After Better Call Saul, AMC was excited to stay in business with Esposito, but the reviews were dismal, and clearly, it didn’t generate many viewers. I’m sure Esposito will have no trouble finding more work … he’s already in The Electric State and the next Captain America movie.

Finally, Netflix canceled the comedy starring Rob Lowe and his son, John Owen Lowe, after two seasons. It’s called Unstable, and like so many Netflix shows, I think it was at least partially doomed by its forgettable title. It wasn’t a stellar comedy, but it was amusing, and it came from Victor Fresco (Better Off Ted, Santa Clarita Diet), who has to be one of the most-canceled showrunners ever.