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Pamela Hayden Had An Emotional Final Table Read As Milhouse

By Andrew Sanford | News | November 26, 2024 |

Header Image Source: Photo by Chris Polk/FilmMagic

Few things have impacted my life the way The Simpsons have. I’ve watched the show my entire life (blame my parents). I used to sit directly in front of the television when the show would come on, and depending on who you ask, that’s why I need glasses (or I sat so close because I need glasses). The show’s sense of humor seeped into my brain in a way that felt almost unhealthy. I can recall Simpsons jokes easier than I can remember the names of my cousins (but to be fair I have too many cousins).

I am not unique in my love of the long-running animated show. It spans generations. New fans and old fans find new ways to express their love of the show. It is a global phenomenon, and sometimes, it feels like it will never end. It’s been around for my entire life! Where could it go?! Surely, the people in the roles will play them forever and also I can eat Cheez-it crackers as much as I want and never worry about weight gain! If you couldn’t tell I was being sarcastic.

Much to my dismay, I cannot eat Cheez-it crackers like one may drink water (even if I sometimes do). Also, the voice actors for The Simpsons won’t be around forever. Age comes for us all. Some of the actors may stay on the show until time claims them. And that has happened. Actresses Marcia Wallace and Russi Taylor voiced characters like Edna Krabappel and Martin Prince passed away in 2013 and 2019 respectively and their characters were retired. Others may choose to walk away from the show before their time, as is the case with Pamela Hayden.

Hayden has voiced Milhouse Van Houten, Jimbo Jones, and Rod Flanders for the decades-old animated show. I love Jimbo and Rod, but it is inarguable that Milhouse is Hayden’s biggest contribution to the show (and culture). The bespectacled ten-year-old underdog has captured the hearts and minds with his misfortune, social faux pas, consistent optimism, and love of Vaseline on toast. Milhouse is incredible, and the actor voicing him has decided to call it quits.

The show announced last week that Hayden would be retiring from acting and leaving the show behind. The outpouring of love and support for her has been lovely (and deserved). She has done copious interviews in the days since and in a recent sitdown with Cracked, she talked about her emotional final table read. “I wrote a speech for the table read to thank everybody,” she explained. “At one point, I got a little emotional. And, since then, people have been so lovely. (Current showrunner) Matt Selman has reached out to me a lot since I left, and I heard from (former showrunner) Mike Scully the other day. It’s been lovely.”

Hayden’s final episode has since aired, ending her tenure with a new and classic Milhouse line. She deserves her time in the sun, as an indelible part of the show since the beginning. The question now is whether or not the show will retire Milhouse or replace Hayden. When actors have passed away, the characters have been retired. However, several characters have been recast for various reasons. It feels inevitable that Bart’s best friend will find a new actor, but Pamela Hayden will never be forgotten.