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Kevin Smith Seems Confident That Matt Damon And Ben Affleck Will Be In 'Dogma 2'

By Andrew Sanford | News | November 18, 2024 |

Header Image Source: Photo by Michael Kovac/Getty Images for Mot & Chandon

I don’t keep tabs on what my friends “owe” me. It feels tacky. If I’ve lent something out it’s probably with good reason. The last thing I want to do is lord my help over someone’s head. And sometimes, I’ll give my friends things and not think about it. Maybe they’ll get me back at some point, maybe they won’t. All that said, say I helped a couple of friends early in their careers by ensuring a movie they wrote got made and also starred the two of them, I might keep it in mind!

That sure seems to be the case with ole Kevin Smith! When Matt Damon and Ben Affleck were pitching Good Will Hunting around Hollywood, no studio wanted them in the lead roles. They would not budge, and it began to look like the film would never get made. That is until Smith, who had worked with both actors already, brought them in to see… Harvey Weinstein (who plays two roles in this piece). He loved the script and made sure it got made with Affleck and Damon in the leads and boy, oh boy, the Clerks director has not forgotten.

Smith recently revealed that the rights to his religious comedy film Dogma are no longer held by the Weinsteins. It can finally have a proper physical media release. Smith plans to take it on the road and do screenings. It’s very exciting for fans of media that skewers the Catholic Church (raises hand instantly). Not only does Smith want to show the film again but he wants to make a sequel, and he thinks he’ll have Affleck and Damon on board to return.

Smith appeared at the Vulture Festival on Sunday and revealed his excitement for developing a sequel to the cult film. “Some people will be like, ‘Don’t f—ing touch it. You’ll ruin it,’” he told the people in attendance. “And I’m here to tell you: I will. I’m f***ing tickled. I found a way in.” I really like two of Smith’s sequels (Clerks 2 and Clerks 3) and will probably never watch another one again (I’m not gonna name it, but you can figure it out). I will watch Dogma 2, but I will be cautiously optimistic that it even gets made just in case; especially regarding his next reveal.

Smith was quick to note that he had helped save Good Will Hunting. “I have been able to hold that over both their heads for 25 f—ing years, which is why they keep showing up in all the movies,” he explained. “Expect a cameo from them — more than a f***ing cameo. The only way we get a Dogma sequel made is if they’re there. So count on those guys being there.”

I would love to see a Dogma sequel! So, I’m just going to believe that Affleck and Damon will help Smith as thanks for assisting them all those years ago. I don’t even know what a Dogma sequel could be, but if Smith is excited, then I’m excited.