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It's Election Day 2024

By Dustin Rowles | News | November 5, 2024 |

Header Image Source: Getty Images

It’s Election Day. It feels kind of like one of those big test days where you’ve studied all you can study, and there’s nothing left to do but take the damn test. Well, there’s nothing left to do today except vote (for those who haven’t), and, as they say, “hurry up and wait” for the results. I waited until election day to vote because I wanted to go to the polls again. I hope there are many Democrats like me out there today.

No one will know anything until the polls begin to close. But if there is anything to take solace in, it’s that Kamala Harris has the momentum coming into election day. She’s run a brilliant campaign, and the wheels were coming off the other campaign down the final stretch.

And there’s also this, which I will remind everyone of if Harris loses: No matter what happens, roughly half the country agrees with you. The fact that Harris is not running away with it may be hard to fathom, but at least Donald Trump is not running away with it. At least we’re not down 60-40 or 70-30.

We’re not alone. And not only that, but we’re on the side of sanity. Of people of color. Of unions. Of the LGBTQ community. Of women. Of Springsteen and Taylor Swift, of Cardi B and Julia Louis-Dreyfus, of Jason Isbell and John Legend, of Jon Bon Jovi and Oprah Winfrey, of Meek Mills and Charli xcx. And they are on the side of hate and fear and conspiracy and Elon Musk and Ted Cruz and Megyn Kelly and Tucker Carlson.

And all of that will remain true no matter who wins. But dear God, let it be Kamala Harris.

This will be our voting open thread. Let’s hear about your experiences at the polls, what you’re hearing, and how you’re coping throughout the day. For those who celebrate, today is also the NFL trade deadline.

(We’ll have another election results open thread tonight).