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Nothing Gold Can Stay

By Genevieve Burgess | News | December 8, 2024 |

Header Image Source: HBO

Like Water for Chocolate on Max at 3:01am ET. First season finale.

Lucy Worsley’s Holmes vs. Doyle on PBS at 8:00pm ET. Series premiere. The perpetually barretted Lucy Worsley “explores why Arthur Conan Doyle came to hate his most famous creation, Sherlock Holmes.” I mean, I don’t think it’s much of a secret, but OK.

The Agency on Showtime at 9:00pm ET.

Bob’s Burgers on Fox at 9:00pm ET.

Somebody Somewhere on HBO at 10:30pm ET. Series finale. Bridget Everett’s series about finding your people comes to an end after three seasons. I’d say at least we’ll always have those three seasons but unless they’re out in hard copy, that’s not even true anymore.