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Joe Rogan Loves... Kamala Harris?

By Mike Redmond | Social Media | September 18, 2024 |

By Mike Redmond | Social Media | September 18, 2024 |


Let me make this clear even though I’m probably screaming into the void here: I am not a Joe Rogan fan. Please, do not get this post twisted. I don’t think his well-documented history of racist and transphobic remarks should be minimized. His weirdo anti-vaxxer horsesh*t can also go to hell. What I am interested in talking about is the blood in the water for Trump.

I spent four years at Uproxx regularly working the Rogan beat, and here’s what I know: While he has been steadfast in refusing to have Trump on his show, Rogan loved to float the idea that the former president is a killer comic. He would routinely call Trump funny and say that people love him because his rallies are basically a stand-up act. Rogan is not saying that anymore.

In a surprisingly animated rant for Joe, who’s usually stoned out of his mind and droning on in a monotone voice, he absolutely gushed to Tom Segura about Kamala Harris’ performance during her first debate with Trump. I’m not a fan of the way Rogan frames this, because there’s some significant downplaying of Kamala’s agency and a conspiratorial tilt, but I’m going to take the win here. The overarching message is that Trump can’t compete with her because his schtick is getting old.

“Whoever’s helping her, whoever’s coaching her, whoever’s the puppet master running the strings—you did a f*cking amazing job,” Rogan said. “They did an amazing job from the moment they forced Biden to drop out. Whatever they’re doing, whoever’s writing those speeches, getting her to deliver them, coaching her, she’s nailing it.”

As Rogan sees it, Kamala is wrecking Trump and easily baiting him into getting worked up about his rallies because she works with a team while he refuses to listen to anyone. Rogan even mocks Trump for having no substance and repeating the same lines about how everyone says how great his deals are, and they’ve never seen anyone make a deal like this. Meanwhile, Kamala is running circles around him because she’s actually prepared.

Again, Rogan sucks, but he’s making Trump look like a dipshit to his millions of followers. Rogan already backed RFK Jr., which most likely depressed anti-vaxx votes, and now he’s putting the word out that Trump is boring. He’s not funny anymore. To Rogan, he’s just another decrepit old man like Biden, whom the podcaster used to relentlessly mock. This is going to do some damage.

It also works in concert with the recent Republican freakout over Trump and Laura Loomer. The vibe is palpable: Trump is so out of control that even his own party is getting concerned. He’s creating a xenophobic shit show in Springfield, Ohio, which is probably the work of Loomer, who’s gotten so close to Trump that his campaign is afraid to open doors now. He’s in absolute DGAF-mode, and I’m hoping it’s because his brain is melted and not because he jammed the Supreme Court full of cronies, so he doesn’t have to try during this election.

“You have fun with Lady Jigsaw. Let ol’ Brett and Pubes McSodaCan worry about election certifications…”