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Jimmy Kimmel Turns Ye's Downfall Into A Board Game

By Andrew Sanford | TV | November 30, 2022 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | November 30, 2022 |

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Try as you might, there’s no avoiding Ye. He’s an attention-hungry narcissist who is attempting a media blitz while he kicks off his 2024 run for president. I don’t think I have ever written a more cursed sentence on this site. Ye is having a full-on public meltdown, from tweeting hateful things to storming out of interviews with hateful people (followed by his entourage of hateful goons), all while quickly losing his money. It all has this air of reckless abandon. It feels like a game to him, so that’s how Jimmy Kimmel is treating it.

On a recent episode of Jimmy Kimmel: Live, the host introduced a sketch featuring three kids playing a board game. The board game in question? Monopol-Ye. Lose your Adidas endorsements, alienate your friends and destroy your legacy! The fact that it’s so easily adaptable to the game just explains why there are so many Monopoly skins.

The sketch is a great way to look at all of this madness. My favorite part though comes toward the end when the fun gets sucked out of the room. While it’s hard to not talk about Ye, I think it’s good to point out that his hateful ignorance isn’t funny the more you think about it. It’s easy to laugh at him. Sometimes he says things that sound so idiotic that it’s funny. But what Ye is doing is harmful.

It’s far too easy to write someone like him off. You can call him crazy, or not important, or whatever dismissive thing you’d like. At the end of the day, he’s trying to normalize hate. There’s no place for that and you can only laugh at it for so long.