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Is It Better to Be Biden Old? Or Trump Old? Seth Meyers Weighs In

By Dustin Rowles | TV | October 31, 2023 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | October 31, 2023 |


We haven’t featured a Seth Meyers’ “Closer Look” segment in quite some time, but there’s no time like now. As some may have noticed, after years of criticizing Joe Biden for his age, the media is finally beginning to realize that Donald Trump is also old. The NYTimes believes that Trump’s own verbal gaffes may weaken his attacks on Biden’s age, and Axios is also pointing out the hypocrisy.

Seth Meyers does a deeper dive, which includes a two-minute montage of Trump’s recent gaffes. That includes not realizing what state he’s in, a complaint he made about Biden in 2020 that Trump basically said was disqualifying. Seth Meyers, however, acknowledges that both Presidential candidates are old but wonders if it is better to be Biden old. Or Trump old?

“I’d rather be Biden old, just crushing people’s hands with my blue-collar handshake … I want to be walking around the kitchen muttering to my kids about how I used to know a guy named Corn Pop. That seems much more pleasant than screaming nonstop about windmills killing whales and celebrities who were or were not nice to me back in the day.”