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Secret Relationships and Irish Hauntings, Separately

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | October 24, 2023 |

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | October 24, 2023 |


Haunted Ireland on Max at 3:01am ET. Series premiere. I have to say, if there’s anywhere on earth I might buy regular hauntings, it would be somewhere in Ireland. Not because of the country’s particular history (although that is RICH fodder for some gnarly ghosts) but because of the ability of the Irish to hold grudges and express them in particularly passive-aggressive ways. Letting ill will fester past death and expressing it by moving chairs around or randomly turning off all the electronics? Yeah, that tracks.

Dancing with the Stars on ABC at 8:00pm ET.

Help! I’m in a Secret Relationship! on MTV at 9:00pm ET. Second season fall premiere. I have no idea how many young people watch MTV or read Pajiba these days but once again I will tell any young people reading this that if you are in a “secret relationship”, no you aren’t.

Native America on PBS at 9:00pm ET. Season two premiere.

Welcome to Wrexham on FX at 10:00pm ET.