Welcome to the Author Archive for Alexander Joenks
- A Book Reader Explains the Plot Points in 'Dune 2' That Made No Sense To You
- 'Dune: Part Two' Is Why We Make Science Fiction Movies
- Netflix Resurrected Horror Movie 'Deliver Us from Evil,' But Is It Worth Watching?
- What the Hell Is 'One Piece'?
- How Politicians Use Our Inability to Articulate Probabilities Against Us
- 'Matrix Resurrections' Works Incredibly Well, Until It Doesn't
- Review: 'Dune' Is a Spectacular Complement to the Novel But Can't Stand On Its Own
- Review: Bruce Willis and Chad Michael Murray's 'Survive the Game' Is a Train Wreck
- Review: The Extremely Inconsistent Time Travel Rules in 'Needle in a Timestack' Are Only One Irritant of Many
- Review: Joe Carnahan's 'Copshop' Is Astonishingly Good
- Review: Every Attempt to Describe 'Yakuza Princess' Make It Sounds Very Cool; It Is Not
- Everything But the Story Works in Lisa Joy's Gorgeous and Disappointing 'Reminiscence'
- 'The Losers' Review: She's Volatile
- 'Cosmic Sin' Review: Frank Grillo And Bruce Willis Commit 'Cosmic Sin' In Sci-Fi Dumpster Fire
- [Spoilers] 'The Tomorrow War' Review: Kyle Reese Did Not Die for This Crap
- Review: Netflix's 'America: The Motion Picture' is a Very Special Kind of Bad
- The 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre that No One Remembered
- Netflix Thriller 'Oxygen' Shoves You in a Box So You Can Brush Up Against Infinity
- On Netflix: The Sci-Fi of 'Stowaway' Doesn't Pass the Sniff Test of an Elementary School Science Fair
- The 12 Worst Insults to Food on the Internet Today
- Outside the Wire Review: Wow. So Cinema. Such Deep
- Review: George Clooney's Sci-Fi 'The Midnight Sky' Is Great, Except for the Science and the Fiction
- Review: Useless Humans is a Useless Movie
- The 2020 Hugo Novel Nominations Make for A Great Quarantine Reading List
- Spoiler Review: Netflix's 'Freaks' Culminates In the Sorts of Moments Great Fiction is Made Of
- Picard Review: The Star Trek We Need Right Now
- 'Doolittle' Review: More Like A Lotta Doo
- Remembering Christopher Tolkien (1924-2020)
- 'Underwater' Review: Next Time I Hope Cthulhu Wins
- Review: 'The Current War' Is Downright Embarrassing
- 'Gemini Man' Review: Uncle Kill and the Fresh Prince Star In Moron Clone Wars
- Review: 'Downton Abbey' Is Back, Bitches
- 'I'm Sorry Dave': The Fracture Point Upon Which the AI Revolution Can Begin
- Review: 'Stuber' is a Stubendously Stubid Movie
- Review: In 'Annabelle Comes Home,' the Dolls Only Demonic Power Is the Jump Scare
- The Political Economy of Thanos' Snap
- 'Alita: Battle Angel' Review: Manic Pixie Dream Murderbot
- 'The Prodigy' Review: Evil Will Hunting, This Is Not
- Review: 'The Girl in the Spider's Web' Is Like Eating a Bowl of Cobwebs
- Review: 'Hunter Killer' is a Miracle of Time and Space
- 'House with a Clock in its Walls' Review, or When a Passion Projects Lacks Passion
- Review: 'The First Purge' is Sad and Tired
- May the Fourth be With You: A Very Pajiba Happy Star Wars Day
- Stephen Hawking Returns to the Darkness
- 'The Strangers: Prey at Night' Review: Dull, Pointless, Lazy
- 'Annihilation' Review: Spoilers, Analysis, and Explanation
- Spoilers: 'Maze Runner: The Death Cure' Review, Ending Explained
- Review: 'The Last Jedi' Is Not a Film of Tragedy But a Film of Hope
- The Women Novelists Who Should Write the Final Season of 'Game of Thrones'
- 'Lore' TV Series Review: Amazon Prime's Adapation of the Podcast
- Imre Nagy and the Hungarian Revolution
- 'Star Trek: Discovery' Is Actually Getting Worse
- Review: "The Foreigner" Is Not What You're Expecting, and That Is To Its Credit
- 'Blade Runner 2049' Review: Emotionally Brilliant, Intellectually Shallow
- Netflix Review 'Gerald's Game': Fear in a Handful of Dust
- "Flatliners" Review: A Brain Dead Movie About Brain Death. How Meta!
- The Disappointment of 'Star Trek: Discover'
- 'It' Review: Hail to the King
- How Sheep Saved Civilization
- How Twitter Enables Great Horror Stories
- Writers Strike Averted, Television Saved
- I Want to Believe: X-Files Gets Another Season
- Review: 'Ghost in the Shell' Is A Brainless Movie About Brains in Machines
- Spider-Man Trailer is Everything Right with the Marvel Cinematic Universe
- The 'Justice League' Trailer Is Everything Wrong with the DC Cinematic Universe
- 'Life' Review: In Space No Can Hear Your Tedious Stupidity
- What Norse Mythology Tells Us About Thor: Ragnarok
- Race, Politics, and Three Barbershops in Two Countries
- It Turns Out, Bill Maher Has Also Defended Sex with Minors
- We Need to Talk About the Virulent Racism of "The Great Wall"
- 'A Cure for Wellness' Review: F*ck Off Verbinski, You Talentless Hack
- And Today, It Starts
- The Significance of the New Title for 'Star Wars: Episode VIII'
- Carrie Fisher Has Died
- 'Rogue One': The Star Wars Story We've Always Wanted
- Hope: Looking Back at Looking Forward in 2008
- What's on Swedish Television as America Votes
- If You Want to Know What Trump's America Might Look Like for Journalists, Look To Putin's Russia
- Making Literature Accessible Through 'Mad Max: Fury Road'
- 'Inferno' Review: More Like Infernope, Amirite?
- The Real Danger of Trump
- Exposing the Pumpkin Spice Agenda
- 'Stranger Things' Theory: What Is the Thessalhydra?
- Hell Is the Moment Between Cause and Effect
- Happy Birthday 'Star Trek', Here's to Fifty More Years
- 'Stranger Things' and the Role of the Demogorgon
- National Science Fiction Museum Convention This Weekend
- 'Warcraft' Review: Now That's Damned Good Fantasy. No, Seriously. I'm Surprised Too.
- "Alice Through the Looking Glass" Review: The Best Part Was the Toddler Pooping in the Next Row
- No, Polls Do Not Show Trump Beating Hillary
- 'Criminal' Review: Because Your Dream is Ryan Reynolds' Mind in Kevin Costner's Body
- How an 18-Year-Old Video Game and a Transgender Character Just Reignited Gamer Gate
- GIFs Have Been Cancelled, Effective Immediately
- '10 Cloverfield Lane' Review: Finding Your Furiosa
- 'London Has Fallen' is a Small, Hateful, and Stupid Trump Campaign Press Release
- 'Risen' is the Modern Christian Take on 'CSI: Jerusalem'
- The Russian Family Who Were Time Capsules in their Own Lifetimes
- Is Hillary Clinton a Sorcerer?
- Why So Many Copies Of Adolf Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' Are Suddenly Being Sold Again
- The Positive Message the Anti-Government Protesters In Oregon Reinforce About the Internet
- Why Idris Elba Being Black Makes 'The Dark Tower' Better
- Science Fiction Thursday: 'Star Wars', SAG Awards, 'Red Mars'
- News Media, the Passive Voice, and the Problem with Saying They 'Were Radicalized'
- The Abandoned 'Land of Oz' Theme Park is the Creepiest
- Fungal Genocide Destroys All Bananas. Cauliflower Remains Hideously Abundant.
- All the Star Wars Tidbits To Shove In Your Tauntaun
- Being Sick is Basically Sci-Fi Horror
- The One Troubling Thing About 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens'
- Science Fiction Thursday: 'Blade Runner 2', 'Logan's Run' Reboot, Plus Book and Movie Discussion
- 26 Cowardly, Unchristian Governors Now Refuse to Admit Syrian Refugees
- How Netflix Changes Everything
- Science Fiction Thursday: 'Star Trek' 50th Anniversary, 'Doctor Who' Crossover, Plus Book and Movie of the Week
- Why Fallout 4 is the Most Disappointing Video Game of the Year
- Why I Drink: Newsweek Headlines
- The Official Pajiba Guide to Your Conception
- Science Fiction Thursday: NASA Announcements, 'The Expanse', Plus Book and Movie of the Week
- How Many MLB Players Hit a Home run on their First At Bat and Never Hit One Again?
- The Most Important 'NCIS' and 'Bones' News You Will Ever Read
- The Things You Know You Don't Know But Refuse to Look Up
- Why You Should Stop Watching 'The Walking Dead'
- Science Fiction Thursday: Tolkien Map, Vader Lenin Statues, Plus 'A Canticle for Leibowitz' and 'Iron Sky'
- The Man Who Literally Moved a Mountain
- Why Jess Was Rory's Best Boyfriend on 'The Gilmore Girls'
- If You Eat Hot Dogs, You're Eating People
- China's Most Popular Actress Throws Down With Tabloids
- Science Fiction Thursday: All the Astronomy News Fit to Print
- An Ode to the Wikipedia Random Page Link
- Why the "Scientific Way to Cut Cake" is Completely Wrong
- How the Speaker of the House Vote Just Got Awesome
- Science Fiction Thursday: Nuking Mars, Actual Power Armor, and Ridley Scott Talks Water on Mars
- Adolf Hitler's Godson and His Amazing True Story of Redemption
- Steven Moffat (Wrongly) Defends the Sonic Sunglasses on 'Doctor Who'
- Why Anger About the Race Card is Just Ignorance of Poker
- 'The Martian' Review: A Perfect Science Fiction Film
- How NASA's Announcement of Water on Mars Changes 'The Martian'
- Science Fiction Thursday: 'The Martian', 'X-Files', 'Attack on Titan'
- What the Lost Colony of Roanoke Has to Do With 'The Martian'
- Why Clickbait is Wonderful and How It Might Just Save Your Life
- 'Heroes Reborn': Real Time Review
- Science Fiction Thursday: Alien Nuclear War, 'Weaveworld' Series, 'Jurassic World' Trilogy
- 'Minority Report': A Failure on Every Level
- 'Ascension' Review: The Best Science Fiction on Netflix That You Haven't Seen
- What Science Fiction Television is Premiering This Week?
- 'Everest': An Interminable Slog of Mountain Porn
- Science Fiction Thursday: 'Pacific Rim 2', 'Rogue Squadron', 'Blade Runner 2'
- Why Marvel is Kicking DC's Ass
- Review: Netflix's 'Narcos' and the Insufferable Voice-Over Narration
- Science Fiction Thursday: 'Star Wars', 'Luna Park', and the Ennies
- Ansel Elgort Edges Ahead of Miles Teller in Douche-lympics
- Iceland, the Syrian Refugee Crisis, and the Unforgettable Photo of the Drowned Boy
- 'The Transporter: Refueled': No Statham, No Point
- Why Science Fiction Matters
- Everything You Need to Know About Denali and Mt. McKinley
- 'No Escape' Review: Political Violence as Tourism
- The 110 Year Old Message in a Bottle
- The Disgusting But Logical Implications of Star Trek Food Replication Technology
- Why I Drink: Regal Cinemas Strip Search Edition
- Nazi Money Train Discovered
- Hackers Release that Stolen Ashley Madison Data
- We Really Only Need the Down-Thumbs Buddy2
- 'The Man From UNCLE': Charismatic Actors, Incredibly Bad Script
- The 'True Detective' Season Recap By Someone Who Doesn't Watch "True Detective"
- What the "Deadpool" Trailer Doesn't Quite Get Right
- Just How Badly 'Fantastic Four' and 'The Gift' Bombed: Math Edition
- "The Gift" Review: Boring or Idiotic? Why Not Both?
- A Guide to the 10 Candidates Appearing on Tonight's Republican Debate
- How to Find Hope in the Cynicism of 'Veep' and the Republican Debates
- The 'Wet Hot American Summer' Review for People Who Don't Understand 'Wet Hot American Summer'
- 'One-Minute Time Machine': The Best Five Minute Short Movie You'll Watch Today
- Detroit Unveils Satanic Statue, World Doesn't End.
- Harvard Predicts Dolphins Winning AFC East
- "Self/Less" Review: Dull, Pointless, Stupid
- Alec Mapa's 'Baby Daddy' Is Stand-Up Dramedy At Its Finest
- Internal Affairs Is the Skyler White Police Procedurals
- Review: Independence Day | Why'd They Have to Kill Space Opera?
- 'Terminator Genisys': CGI Yawns, But a Decent Story
- 'Max' Review: A Canine Emotional Snuff Film
- Summer Sci-Fi Movie Club: 'Mr. Nobody' is Bizarre and Fantastic
- HBO in Hotel Rooms: A Fundamental Human Right
- Dreamcasting SyFy's "Hyperion"
- Summer Sci-Fi Movie Club: 'The Machine' is Derivative and Decidedly Meh
- Netflix's Blurbs Are Becoming Sentient and Sarcastic
- 'Star Wars' or How I Learned to Love Disney
- Mysteries Lingering for the Second Season of 'Sense8'
- 'Jurassic World' Review: A Train Wreck of Morons and Bad CGI
- Summer Sci-Fi Movie Club: 'Europa Report' is Perfect Hard Sci-Fi
- Netflix's 'Sense8' Is Genre-breaking, Gorgeous and Transcendent
- 'Entourage' Review: Harmless Mediocrity
- How the Internet Flattens Generations
- The Year's Films Reimagined in the World of 'Mad Max'
- Why Twitter Still Very Much Matters
- Summer Sci-Fi Movie Club: 'Frequencies'
- Why So Many People Watch Finales
- Announcing Pajiba's Summer Sci-Fi Movie Club
- "Tomorrowland" Review: Optimism Doesn't Make Up For Stupidity
- Why You Should Go to the Movies Alone
- Who Exactly Didn't Like Mad Max: Fury Road?
- "Mad Max: Fury Road" Review: Oh What a Film, What a LOVELY Film
- Taking the Christian Film 'Little Boy' to Its Logical Conclusion to Demonstrate Its Profound Absurdity
- You, Too, Can Have an Expert Opinion on Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn Without Any Firsthand Knowledge
- How China's Rise Changes Movies
- Why International Markets Got 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' First
- Why Are the Roads Always Wet in Movies?
- Why Comic Book Nerds Hate 'Batman vs. Superman'
- 'Paul Blart 2': This Review Is Going Full Godwin
- How Racist, Misogynist Bastards Are Gaming the Hugo Awards to Advance a Hateful Agenda
- I Miss Baseball
- Yet Another World's Oldest Woman Dies. Police Do Nothing.
- Why the Government Needs Left Out of Fantasy
- Science Fiction Thursday: ISIS & 'Star Wars', 'X-Files', and a Short Film
- A Series of Tubes: 'CSI: Cyber' Review
- 'The Gunman' Review: A Smug, Misogynistic, and Idiotic 'Taken'
- Why Our Characters Have to be Competent
- On Pratchett and Beginnings and Endings
- Well I'm Quite Taken With It: 'Run All Night' Review
- We've Lost Terry Pratchett
- 'Jupiter Ascending 2' is Going to Be China's Fault
- Why I Drink, We're All Going to Die Spam Edition
- What We Lost When We Lost Leonard Nimoy
- Jump Scares and Boredom: 'The Lazarus Effect' Review
- Dear TV Writers: Enough with the Jazz Episodes, Already
- The Oscar Interview Hollywood Doesn't Want You To See
- The First Generation to Grow Old on the Internet
- Why Are We Fascinated by Swords in Our Fiction?
- The Reason Why Jon Stewart Is the Best Journalist of This Generation
- 'Jupiter Ascending' Review: Staggeringly Stupid
- 'Project Almanac' Review: A Terrible Movie but Time Travel's Shiny
- Why We Love Con-Men
- Sign Me Up For Solitary: How TV and Film Fail in Portraying Prison
- Why 'The Nightly Show' is No 'Colbert Report'
- 'The Boy Next Door' Review: I Love Your Mother's Cookies
- What 'Gilmore Girls' Tells Us About Homophobia Ten Years On
- What Shailene Woodley's Character in 'Divergent' Could Learn from Captain Kirk
- Why 'Agent Carter' Succeeds Where 'Agents of Shield' Failed
- 'Blackhat' Review: Thor is 'American Hacker'
- I Declare This Canon: 'Jurassic Parks and Recreation'
- B*tch Ranking 'Downton Abbey': The Art of Victorian Seduction
- Why Your New Year's Resolutions Suck
- 'Twas the Night before Pajibmas
- "Fireplace for Your Home" Real Time Review
- Stephen Colbert Says Goodbye, Literally and a Lot, In the All-Star-iest Musical Finale Ever
- The Worst Video Game Cutscene of the Year: "The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies" Review
- The Official Pajiba Recap of 2014's Award Shows
- Bieber God and Batman Moses Save The Day: "Exodus: Gods and Kings" Review
- What 'Eaten Alive' and Zoos Have in Common
- Einstein's Papers Digitized and Online
- A Novel Lost and Re-Found: The Story of Irene Nemirovsky and 'Suite Franaise'
- There's No Canonical Reason Stormtroopers Can't Be Black
- What Puppies Would Best Represent the Cast of 'Game of Thrones'?
- The Heartbreaking True Story Behind the Life and Death of Alan Turing, the Man at the Center of 'The Imitation Game'
- Democracy, Thanksgiving, and Why You Shouldn't Unfriend Those Disagreeable Schmucks on Facebook
- Not Even Spielberg Can Reboot 'The Last Starfighter'
- Watch Ursula Le Guin's Wonderful National Book Awards Speech
- 'Interstellar' and the Ryan Leaf Theory of Movie Criticism
- What You Should Read After Watching 'Interstellar'
- What 'Ozymandias' Really Tells Us
- Science Fiction at its Best: 'Interstellar' Review
- The Internet's Addiction to Rage Will Consume Us All
- All of Andrei Tarkovsky's Films Free Online
- 'Before I Go to Sleep' Review: A Narcoleptic Thriller
- Bookreader Tolkienista Bingo for Watching 'The Battle of Five Armies'
- Keynes vs. Hayek Rap Battles are the Most Wonderful Videos Ever Posted on the Internet
- Why Tina Fey Would Be the Perfect Person to Replace Lorne Michaels on 'SNL' (Sooner, Rather than Later)
- Every Character on 'Modern Family' is a Serial Killer
- Why It's Not Funny that Darth Vader's Running for Ukraine's Parliament
- What's the Difference Between New Hampshire and Missouri?
- Brad Pitt's 'Fury' Is One of the Best War Movies in Years
- How the Internet Made Time Slow Again
- The Cover Song Rule: How to Tell if a Reboot is Any Good
- Truth to Power: Why 'Archer' Should Have Kept ISIS in the Show
- Just Why Do All Alien Planets Look Exactly Like the Woods Outside of Vancouver?
- What Nicolas Cage's 'Left Behind' Says About Apocalyptic Christianity
- "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" Sequel Getting Netflix-First Release
- Why Netflix Watchers are Superior Human Beings
- Haunting Powerlessness: Why Dystopia is Horror on the Societal Level
- How India Just Destroyed Civilization
- ESPN Suspends Bill Simmons, Fails Public Relations 101
- The CW is Still a Network: A Schedule Review
- The True Story of the Only Man to Serve in Both the American and Soviet Armies
- How Young Adult Bestsellers Tell Us That We're Doomed
- Why Actors Get Awards: 'The Drop'
- Eh, It's no 'Katniss Kronicles': 'The Maze Runner'
- Revisiting Robin Williams and 'What Dreams May Come'
- Dan Simmons And The True Story of the HMS Terror
- Snap Impressions from the Weekend's First Slate of NFL Games
- A Return to Normalcy: Ukrainian Rap Tribute to "Die Hard"
- What Dante and Dogs Tell Us About "The Leftovers"
- Check your Americanski privilege: Fixing "A Good Day to Die Hard"
- Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian, and Internet Misogyny as Terrorism
- How Memory Interconnects Everything We Watch and Read
- Every "Criminal Minds" Season Streaming on Netflix
- Why I Love Spoilers
- Pajiba's Guide to Everything You Need to Know About the Teen Choice Awards
- So Long and Thanks for All the Fish: 'The Hundred-Foot Journey' Review
- The Clearing at the End of the Path
- Why People Like Joe Should Be Halted and Lit on Fire, and How the Media Confuses Leeches with Geniuses
- Floria Marlins' Mascot Stars in Own 'Star Wars' Trailer, and It's Still Better than the Prequels
- What Video Games Say About Our Morality
- 'Manhattan' Review: Don't Want to Set the World on Fire
- Why We Persist in Monster Hunting and Conspiracy Theories
- Lucy: Painfully Stupid No Matter What Percent of Your Brain You Use
- Leslie Knope and Heroes without Arcs
- Episodic Television: An Elaborate Delivery Mechanism for Short Stories
- The Things You Learn Marathoning USA
- Draco Kills a Mudblood: 'Murder in the First' Review
- A Stunning Vision of Hell: 'A Stranger to Myself'
- 'The Stand' for Morons: 'The Last Ship' Review
- Book Readers' Edition of 'Game of Thrones': Where Do We Go From Here?
- The Greatest Television Show Ever Conceived: 'Treehouse Masters'
- Well Be Still My Stone Heart: "Game of Thrones" Book Readers' Edition - 'The Children'
- Your Pajiba Guide to Surviving Summer Road Trips
- Your Completely Unhelpful Guide to World Cup Viewing Options
- Look Ma, No Filler: "Game of Thrones" Book Readers' Edition - 'The Watchers on the Wall'
- Why "Cosmos" Matters
- All You Need is Kill: "Edge of Tomorrow" Review
- Why Are Horror Stories Not to Blame for the Slenderman Crime, but the Men's Rights Movement Carries Some Blame for the Santa Barbara's Killings?
- The Broccoli Theory of Bad Television
- Mmmm, Beetles: "Game of Thrones" Book Readers' Edition - 'The Mountain and the Viper'
- "Game of Thrones": Hot Pie's Choose Your Own Adventure
- The Fascinating Real-Life Account of How Man Waged War Against Emus with Machine Guns ... and Lost
- The Journey, Not the Destination
- These Stories Aren't About Superheroes: "X-Men: Days of Future Past"
- Why Jack Bauer is Hurting America
- Kitten Mittens Meet Wearing Sunscreen: Charlie Day Commencement Speech
- Slim Pickens Demands Royalties: "Game of Thrones" Book Readers' Edition - "Mockingbird"
- "Cosmos" Week 11: "Life here began out there".
- Slumdog Jerry Maguire: 'Million Dollar Arm' Review
- What We Say About Readers: An Internal Email Exchange About the GoT Book Reader Backlash
- The Uncanny Valley of Television: "Game of Thrones" - "The Laws of Gods and Men"
- "Cosmos" Episode 10: He's Electric
- The Most and Least Popular Countries in Film and Television
- This Water Ain't Going to Tread Itself: Book Readers' "Game of Thrones" - "First of His Name"
- Beep-Boop-Beep-Boop: "24" Real Time Review
- "Cosmos" Week 9: The Past is a Different Planet
- "Believe": The Best Show Ever in My Head
- Never Go Full Robert Jordan: Book Readers' "Game of Thrones" - "Oathkeeper"
- "Cosmos" Week 8: We Looked at the Stars and Found Plato's Cave
- Parkour, Dystopian Detroit, and Paul Walker's Final Gift to Us: "Brick Mansions" Review
- Peak Reference -- The Point At Which We Can't Cram Anymore References Into Our Head -- Is Coming
- Stretch Those Storylines! Book Readers' "Game of Thrones" - "Breaker of Chains"
- 'Field of Dreams' Review: Maybe This Is Heaven
- "Cosmos" Week 7: People, People Never Change
- Jenny McCarthy's Terminator Reboot: "Transcendence" Review
- "Bob's Burgers": Linda, Louise, and Accepting Your Kids For Who They Are
- Who Doesn't Love Pie? Book Readers' "Game Of Thrones" - "The Lion and the Rose"
- "Cosmos" Week 6: Fear? It's Poetry That's in a Handful of Dust
- Mirrors Always Lie: "Oculus" Review
- Quantity is its Own Quality: Fantasy Epics as a Distinct Medium
- "Mr. Selfridge" and the Pornography of the Past
- For The Literate Among Us: Book Readers' "Game Of Thrones" - "Two Swords"
- "Cosmos" Week 5: We are the Stuff of Stars
- Communism's Blood Drenched Flood
- Worst Finale Ever: A Complete Tone Deafness of Basic Storytelling
- "Cosmos" Week 4: A Sky Full of Ghosts
- Listen All Y'all It's a "Sabotage" Review
- Word Counts and Fandom
- "The Breakfast Club": The Nostalgia of Others
- "Cosmos" Episode 3: Your God is too Small
- Ten Twisted 'Dungeons & Dragons' Monsters That Should Be Adapted By SyFy Originals
- "Archer": Really Just a Documentary from the Future
- Why George R.R. Martin Needs to Finish 'A Song of Ice and Fire'
- "Cosmos" Episode 2: Evolution Boogaloo
- Fathers and Heroes: 'Our Fathers Were Our Models for God'
- Redeeming Ted Mosby
- BadWrongFun: Are You Enjoying Yourself Correctly?
- We are a way for the cosmos to know itself: 'Cosmos' is a Supernova in Your Brain Bits
- It Ain't Fantasy Without a Little Fascism, or Why Neville Was the Real Hero of 'Harry Potter'
- There Are Going to be Some Changes Around Here
- Sunday Night Just Became Science Night
- Life is a Sitcom: How Our Reality Mirrors 'Burn Notice'
- The Post-Meta Academy Awards Experience
- Ukraine, Revolution, and Movies: People Talking About Movies While the World Ends
- It's Science: Earworms Make the Best Comic Book Trailers
- 'Hannibal': For the Love of All Mankind
- So You Want to Kickstarter: How Not to be an Asshole
- B*tch Ranking 'Downton Abbey': The Americans Arrive, Substituting Vulgarity for Wit
- Romantic Comedies Destroy the Best Parts of Being Alive
- B*tch Ranking 'Downton Abbey': Ask Ms. Padmore how Revenge is Best Served
- So, Sochi, Just What Is That Place?
- Steampunk Nazi Killing Short: 'Project Arbiter' Short Film
- B*tch Ranking 'Downton Abbey': New Sheriff Edition
- It Ain't Whedon, But It'll Do: 'Vampire Academy' Review
- The First Color Photographs and the Two Old Lady Theory of History
- In Retrospect, Superb Owl Sunday Would Have Been Better: Worst Super Bowl Ever.
- The Top Seven Rulers of Russia Who Deserve a Film
- White House Petition to Deport Bieber hits 100,000
- Why Crowd Sourcing the Critical Process Poses a Far Greater Danger to Studios, Labels, and Networks than Piracy
- The Internet Will Shutdown Today Because Patrick Rothfuss Won It
- Mass Literacy and the Revolution of Literature
- The Mentally Challenged Golden Retriever of Cinema: 'The Legend of Hercules' Review
- Stupid Enough to Not Be Its Own Legal Guardian: 'Intelligence' Review
- 'Parks and Rec' 100th Episode Special
- Original Audio of Apollo 13 Incident, in Real Time
- The Dark Side of Netflix
- '47 Ronin' Review: The Best Fantasy Film of this December
- 'The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug' Review: 'Pirates of the Caribbean' with Orcs
- 'House of Cards' Season 2 Trailer: Ooh 52 Card Pick-up!
- Christmas and the Joy of Living in the Season of Death
- Our Tax Dollars Hard at Work: NSA Employees Paid to Play 'World of Warcraft'
- The Bureaucrat's Revolution: Vasili Mitrokhin and His Archive
- Ron Burgundy Does the News in North Dakota. For Real.
- It Belongs in a Museum: 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' 1981 PBS Documentary
- 'Blade Runner' Remade in Watercolor. No, Seriously, Watch This.
- 'Delivery Man': Oh a Lovable Loser, I Don't Suppose We'll Get a Montage With That?
- The Hateful Propaganda of Middle Earth
- Why Shakespeare Matters: 'We Are Such Stuff as Dreams Are Made On'
- Wait, I Thought He'd Gone Wrestling: Andy Kaufman Might Be Alive After All
- Please Just End New York City's War on Crime: 10 Places That Procedurals Should Be Set in Before New York City
- 'Twilight' DVD Extras Actually Have Purpose: The Creepiest Doll Ever
- Humanity Does Not Ask Us To Be happy: 'Ender's Game'
- More Worlds to Conquer: Rome's Lost Legion
- Getting 'Star Wars: Episode VII' Right
- All progress depends on the unreasonable man: 'The Fifth Estate'
- Social Torture Porn: 'Zero Charisma'
- World's Dumbest Pirate King Caught by Being Offered Job on Movie
- The Best Russian Musical You Haven't Seen: 'Stilyagi'
- Books, Rebellion, and 'The Hunt for Red October'
- Masterpiece Theatre is my Slow Motion BBC DVR: "Foyle's War"
- A Great Film Lacking Greatness: "Prisoners"
- Mere Anarchy is Loosed Upon the World: "Breaking Bad" and Our Love of Antiheroes
- A Snuff Film for Formerly Great Film Careers: 'The Family'
- So You Think There Have Only Been Eleven Doctors? The Other Time Lords.
- On Books and Infinity
- I've Made a Huge Mistake: Getaway
- It's Not a Lie if it's to a Vegetarian: "Bob's Burgers" Review
- A Brilliant Tragic Comedy: Just Go See The World's End
- Fiction and the Slow Problem of Time
- You Had Me At Spaceships, Dystopia, and Power Armor: Elysium
- We Live in a Primitive Time, Don't We? "Orange is the New Black"
- Reading the Entrails: Predictions of the Endings of Ten Current Television Shows
- How Interface Matters More than Genre in Video Games
- "The Ceremony of innocence Is Drowned": The Story of Rasputin
- A Pox On Both Your Houses: A Conversation About Spoilers
- There's Always Time for More Slaying: New BtVS Behind the Scenes Video
- Whedon Sits Down to Chat: "Firefly", Much Ado, Man of Steel, and More.
- "Justified," Fathers, and Federalism: Don't Want Live in My Father's House
- Through the Grave the Wind is Blowing: A Historical Theory of A Game of Thrones
- The Abyss Stares Back: "Hannibal"
- How "Arrested Development", The Dark Tower, and The Lone Ranger Are All Connected
- I Was Promised Fear, But All I Got Was This Handful of Dust: After Earth
- The Gospel According to John Luther
- The Good of the Many: Star Trek Into Darkness
- How Netflix Should Democratize Television
- If The Empire Strikes Back is No Longer Topical, Get Off of My Lawn
- "The Walking Dead" and the Birth of the State
- "I'm Daniel Day Lewis": The White House Correspondents Dinner
- Alien Species? How About Seven of Them? "Defiance"
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- "Jurassic Park" Review: Let's Find a Way
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- On the Side of the Angels: "Sherlock," Sociopathy, and Evil
- Yippee Ki-Yay Mr. President: Olympus Has Fallen
- Why We Write
- Empathy is the Enemy: The Fall of Orson Scott Card
- The Kevin Bacon Manifold: Or How There Is Actually Only One Fictional Universe
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- Django Unchained Review: Now That's a Bingo
- Evil is Not Washed Away by Good: Torture and Zero Dark Thirty
- Democracy is a myth, sold to us by the West.
- I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream: How We Mistake Dark Stories for Complex Ones
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- "True Blood" As A Subversion of the Tragic Vampire Trope
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- Politics is About Storytelling, Not Debates
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- What Superheroes Mean
- Refuting Tolkien
- A Taxonomy of Time Travel
- The Death of the Movie Theater
- Why We Watch Procedurals
- Spiritual Atheism: 'Buffy,' 'Angel,' 'House' and 'Doctor Who'
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- "Tell Sad Stories of the Death of Kings": Why We Love Dark Stories
- I Am Not Your Blowing Wind: Audiobooks and the Endless Road
- Why I Hate the Olympics
- Television Killed Itself: The Rise of Pointless Television
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- Television is a Business You Know: Why the Firing of Dan Harmon is Wrong
- There Are Other Worlds Than These: Being Born in Another World a Low Percentage Bet
- A Manifesto for the Next Fifty Years of Media