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Rep. Andrew S. Clyde.png

The Ammosexual Insurgence In The House Of Representatives

By Jen Maravegias | Politics | February 4, 2023 |

By Jen Maravegias | Politics | February 4, 2023 |

Rep. Andrew S. Clyde.png

Last week was National Gun Violence Survivors Week and people noticed that some Republican lawmakers were sporting a new accessory on their lapels.

The pins, shaped like assault riffles, were handed out by Georgia’s Andrew S. Clyde (the guy in the header picture.) I’m not going to link to the Tweet but he is awfully proud of “triggering the libs” with these tasteless reminders that there were 52 mass shootings in America in January of this year alone.

While he claims that these pins are meant as a reminder of our 2nd Amendment rights, Clyde’s a menace who continues to downplay the January 6th attack on the Capitol as comparable to a “normal tourist visit.” So take that explanation with an entire silo of salt. Clyde also owns a gun store, so this is just a high-level marketing scheme for him. Someone on Twitter theorized that the NRA may have promised campaign contributions to Reps who wear these pins. I don’t know if that’s true but it feels like there might be some truth to it. Doesn’t it?

Somewhere The Former Guy is kicking himself for not thinking of handing these things out during his own reign of stupidity.

It’s depressing to think about how astute Hillary Clinton was when she coined the phrase “basket of deplorables.” The further we get from the disastrous election of 2016, the easier it is to see that TFG was just the top layer of that basket. Below him, nestled in a festive layer of lead, are some dangerous wackjobs who have conned their way into the government without any experience or education. It’s the Harry & David gift basket from hell. They are ramrods, shoving the GOP (and the rest of us) into Christian extremism like playground bullies.

Unlike Republicans, who think equality and putting the “regulated” back in the 2nd Amendment are “extremist” ideas, the rest of us recognize weapons as jewelry and on Christmas cards as the true American extremism.