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The Simulator is Broken: Rudy Giuliani's Unhinged Press Conference Debunked By ... Fox News

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | November 19, 2020 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | November 19, 2020 |


Don’t watch the Rudy Giuliani press conference, if you haven’t already. Maybe marvel at the memes and Twitter reactions to the Just for Men hair dye dripping down Rudy’s face, or scoff at the hypocrisy displayed by Jenna Ellis, but do not give it any serious attention. It is not worth it.

This is Chris Krebs, the head of Cybersecurity at the Department of Homeland Security, who was fired by Donald Trump a few days ago for insisting that there was no fraud in the election.

And if you can’t trust Chris Krebs, then listen to … Fox News?

Have we just opened up yet another timeline? ARE YOU OK, FOX NEWS? Can someone check on them? Is this what they call Trump derangement syndrome? Why is Fox News making sense? Does that mean that we’re wrong now? How does this work? Should we be rooting for … Trump now?

I’m completely lost. Can someone turn the simulator off and back on again? I think it needs a reset.