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Noted Racist Hulk Hogan Introduced Fellow Racist Donald Trump At The RNC

By Andrew Sanford | Politics | July 19, 2024 |

By Andrew Sanford | Politics | July 19, 2024 |


Like attracts like. Birds of a feather flock together. Racists will find other racists to be racist with. I made that last one up, but it doesn’t make it any less true. Bigoted pricks need to find other bigoted pricks to hobnob with. They have to share their s****y points of view with each other and laugh about how right they think they are. They need to rip off their shirts in an arena full of screaming fans as they introduce a former President and attempted insurrectionist like he’s the World Heavyweight Champion.

That was the scene at the RNC last night! As if Nick Lutsko’s smash hit song wasn’t accurate enough, the RNC has fully devolved into hate-fueled rants and explicitly racist rhetoric. This week, there have been calls for mass deportation. People have claimed that Donald Trump will be more appealing to African American voters because he was shot. If those instances weren’t evidence enough that the RNC is a haven for racists, allow me to inform you that Hulk Hogan was present at the event.

If you are only familiar with Hogan as a pro-wrestler or subpar movie star, he is also a full-blown racist (and selfish union buster). Most notably, Hogan was caught on tape liberally using the N-word to lament the fact that his daughter was dating African American men. Hogan was fired from the WWE (where he still enjoyed occasional appearances) and sued Gawker for releasing the tape. He was back in the wrestling world within three years. However, since fellow scumbag Vince McMahon remained in charge of the WWE, Hogan was welcomed back to it a few years later.

Since Vince McMahon has finally been outed as a fellow racist and otherworldly monster, the WWE has distanced themselves from Hogan. He campaigned to be a presence at this year’s Wrestlemania (one of the biggest ever) and was relegated to a video package (still too much). While Hogan hasn’t been in the ring, that hasn’t stopped him from being a super, mega-racist!

Hogan hired influencer Essence Jenai to promote his All American Beer (which, I assumed, is his canned piss mixed with HGH). Jenai claims she was fired by the Hulkster after one day, despite being hired for a week. She was told by Hogan’s team that he would not be holding any more events, so her services weren’t needed. The next day, Hogan was back to promoting his beer with a team of white female influencers instead. This happened within the last few weeks.

If anything, Hogan’s blatant racism made him a welcome addition to the RNC. He got up on stage, ripped off his shirt, and touted Donald Trump as his hero. I’d say his schtick is making a mockery of the political process, but it would be more appropriate to say he’s meeting the moment. We are in hell. Hulk Hogan and Donald Trump are our torturers, and Republicans are sitting in a dark chair in the corner, watching as society gets f***ed into oblivion.