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Elon Musk Says What We Already Know: He Endorses Donald Trump For President

By Andrew Sanford | Politics | July 15, 2024 |

By Andrew Sanford | Politics | July 15, 2024 |


A former President of the United States was potentially almost assassinated on Saturday. We are still waiting for more details to emerge as of this writing. There are more questions than answers. It will likely remain that way for some time. That hasn’t stopped plenty of people from jumping to conclusions about the fallout from the event. Some have declared that this all but assures Donald Trump will be re-elected come November. Others (even sitting members of Congress) have used it as a chance to call for more violence while … condemning violence. Elon Musk used this opportunity to cover his ass.

Musk’s acquisition and subsequent running of Twitter has been a s*** show. There has been a significant rise in bots and hate speech while the site often fails at its basic functions. He has made numerous claims about how the site will be run since purchasing it. Many were either lies or never materialized. Musk has said he would do away with the “blocking” feature, which would leave many people open to harassment. He has not done it. The tech mogul stated that policy decisions would be decided via a Twitter poll, but has not stuck to that, in the slightest. Then there’s one of his biggest lies of all.

Before buying Twitter, Elon said that for “Twitter to deserve public trust, it must be politically neutral, which effectively means upsetting the far right and the far left equally.” There was a time when people on the left thought that Musk was on their side (or at least curious). He wanted to save the world (allegedly) with electric cars (that most people can’t afford). Then, Elizabeth Warren chided him for not paying taxes, and he pulled off his mask like a third-rate Scooby Doo villain.

Musk has done everything but piss off the far right since acquiring Twitter. He has emboldened them by making the site a haven for bigots. He’s elevated countless accounts by commenting or retweeting with his massive following. The man has shared videos claiming illegal voters are being flown in to support Joe Biden. Musk said that he would not use his money to support either candidate. Instead, he’s using something he bought with his money to support one candidate. At least, that was the case for a while.

Bloomberg reported that Musk had donated money to a Pro-Trump Super PAC on July 12th. Mr. Politically Neutral put his money where his heart has always been. There is a chance that this story could have blown up; A real gotcha moment. Instead, Elon saw the attempt on Donald Trump’s life and pounced like a honey badger after its wine. Elon took to Twitter to tell his millions of followers that he “Fully endorses Donald Trump for president.”

On the plus side, Musk can’t lie about his loyalties any longer. He still might! The man has certainly doubled down on lies before. This time will be different. There is a lot on the line in this upcoming election. People like Musk want Trump to win. They always have, and they always will.