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'The Acolyte,' 'The Boys,' 'House of the Dragon,' And More On Podjiba!

By Dan Hamamura | Podcasts | July 24, 2024 |

By Dan Hamamura | Podcasts | July 24, 2024 |


While Podjiba remains staunchly not-a-movie podcast, this week’s episode also includes just a hint (okay, maybe more like several minutes) of Twisters talk! Mostly because it is rare for me to have the chance to see a movie opening weekend these days, and it felt like something to be celebrated somehow. Twisters! A pretty decent movie.

Of course, our real job here is TV, and as always we had more than enough of it to discuss, starting with one last look at The Mole, now that Dustin has officially finished the season.

Then, our tour of season finales continues with The Acolyte and The Boys both reaching the end of their 2024 runs, and I was even able to participate in one of these discussions!

After our weekly House of the Dragon time and a quick roundup of some new/newly returned shows (Lady in the Lake on AppleTV+! Cobra Kai on Netflix! Hit Monkey on Hulu!), Dustin turned the tables on me by demanding I explain what’s going on in episodes 11 and 12 of Twin Peaks: The Return!

(I assure you, I have no idea.)

Podjiba! A TV podcast that definitely won’t be affected by the recent release (for the first time in a decade) of a college football video game, can be found anywhere podcasts are available, including below.