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The 'Fun' Format Supplants the 'Homework' Format on Podjiba

By Dan Hamamura | Podcasts | November 13, 2024 |

Header Image Source: CBS/Paramount+

This week: is Podjiba leaning too much into the nonsense?

We’re a few months into our new-ish show structure, and we’ve settled into a fun routine:

1. Miscellaneous nonsense, what we’re drinking (obviously)
2. Dustin’s Untitled Weekly TV Quiz
3. Survivor talk
4. Whatever shows we can talk about in the time we have left

To be totally honest, I’m a little torn. There are times where I miss the constant churn of new and exciting television to discuss/learn about/share with all of you, and devoting less time each week to that sometimes feels like we’re missing the point of being a TV podcast.

On the other hand, sometimes trying to find a show to watch/talk about felt like homework, and until Dustin, Tori, and I are all able to sell out hard and get paid for the time we spend on the podcast, it should, in theory, still be fun!

So anyway. Fun it is!

As for this week’s fun: another tie on the quiz! A second straight week of Survivor being all in all pretty interesting to watch! Some quick hits on things we’ve watched recently, like Yellowstone, or Culinary Class Wars, or Love Village! And finally, Tori tells us all about that thing that requires three people that happened on Doctor Odyssey!

Podjiba! The verdict (from me, anyway) is in: officially not leaning too much into the nonsense (again, if someone wants to help us sell out, we will absolutely turn this into more homework)! Also, we can be found anywhere podcasts are available, including below.