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'SNL', 'Survivor', And Tori Crushes Dustin's Quiz Without Cheating (#Dustincheats) On Podjiba!

By Dan Hamamura | Podcasts | November 6, 2024 |

Header Image Source: CBS/Paramount+

On this week’s Podjiba, the nonsense comes out strong off the top, including several minutes of unfocused TV talk, Halloween costumes, and cat poop!

Once the show finally begins in earnest, we get to last weekend’s highly entertaining Saturday Night Live, before getting into this week’s edition of Dustin’s untitled quiz (and by the way, Tori definitely did not cheat, although Dustin certainly seems to try).

Then, we get into last week’s episode of Survivor using up most of our remaining allotted time, although we did give ourselves a few minutes to round up some other things we’re watching, including Rivals (Hulu), Comedy Revenge (Netflix), and the finale of Agatha All Along!

Podjiba! Sometimes recorded in the general vicinity of a chaotic cat’s poop, can be found anywhere podcasts are available, including below!