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'Interior Chinatown,' 'Survivor,' 'Earth Abides,' And More On Podjiba!

By Dan Hamamura | Podcasts | December 11, 2024 |

Header Image Source: Hulu

It took longer than expected, but finally we had the time (i.e. I finished watching) to discuss the new-ish Hulu show Interior Chinatown!

For the full take you’ll have to listen, but the tl:dl version: there are some very good things and some things that clash in the execution, but it’s a wild show that should be checked out! (Honestly, you’ll know if it’s for you or not pretty quickly.)

Elsewhere: Dustin reminds us once again about the MGM+ show Earth Abides, which then leads into a broader discussion of Silo and other post-apocalyptic TV, we discuss last week’s amazingly fun episode of Survivor, and this week in the game, Tori reaches a new milestone that even stunned Dustin!

Podjiba! The television podcast where the talk of plowing is always about clearing snow from one’s driveway AND THAT’S IT, can be found anywhere podcasts are available, including below!