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Evan Rachel Wood Denies Manipulating Marilyn Manson Accuser

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | February 28, 2023 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | February 28, 2023 |


Evan Rachel Wood is fighting back against Marilyn Manson accuser Ashley Morgan Smithline recanting her story and claiming Wood manipulated her into making allegations of sexual abuse against Manson. Wood’s legal team filed court documents that show conversations with Smithline where she expresses fears that Manson’s legal team thinks she’s the “weak link” and are trying to get her to turn. You don’t say? (Rolling Stone)

Michael B. Jordan keeps serving at Creed III premiere. (Lainey Gossip)

Sleeping on the floor won’t save your job at Twitter. (Dlisted)

Courteney Cox opened up about Prince Harry staying at her house. (Celebitchy)

From Seth: Excellent read on the dubious J.K. Rowling podcast and a reminder of how important media literacy is. (Vulture)

Jon Hamm and his new girlfriend are already engaged, which has to make Jennifer Westfeldt feel really, really awesome. (PEOPLE)

Tesla is already pausing its “Full Self-Driving” Beta rollout, which is probably for the best. Our nation’s toddlers just want to live, dammit. (Gizmodo)

Only Jennifer Aniston and Lisa Kudrow showed up to Courteney Cox’s Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony. Ross, Joey, and Chandler were nowhere to be found. (Page Six)

Stop-motion Pokémon is way more adorable than I expected. (Deadline)

I’m not ashamed to admit that I use this beautiful piece of technology. (The Verge)

Helen Mirren has no idea what the heck Shazam: Fury of the Gods is about, which is one way to kick off a publicity tour that’s already marred by Zachary Levi being Zachary Levi. (Variety)

LB enjoyed Kekla Magoon’s messy and emotional YA novel exploring grief and identity, The Minus-One Club. "I appreciated that this is a story that really talks about how coming out isn’t as simple and clean cut as stepping out a door…" Are there YA books with difficult topics that you think are worth reading? (Cannonball Read 15)