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Counterpoint: Jason Kelce Has Nothing To Apologize For

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | November 4, 2024 |

Header Image Source: Getty

If you’re somehow not aware, on Saturday, Jason Kelce was harassed by a Penn State student who tried to get a reaction out of the former Eagles star by saying, “Hey, Kelce. How does it feel your brother’s a f*ggot dating Taylor Swift?” Well, he got a reaction, alright. Not only did Kelce grab the kid’s phone and smash it on the ground, he picked it back up and walked away with it. In another brilliant move, Johnny Shitforbrains thought it’d be a great idea to shove Kelce from behind and demand his phone back. Kelce can be seen turning around, giving the kid a look that no doubt emptied the young punk’s bowels, before saying, “Who’s the f*ggot now?” Was that the best choice of words? Nope, not gonna defend that part, and Kelce has since apologized during the Monday Night Football broadcast. That said, I’d like to argue that actually Kelce was too nice, and that kid is lucky he’s walking around with a skull that isn’t caved in. He should be writing a “Thank You” card saying as much. But because he goes to Penn State, he’s probably swallowing quarters and demanding Joe Paterno’s statue back, which shouldn’t happen because he knew. Paterno knew. (THR)

Can Tom Cruise keep the Mission: Impossible and Top Gun franchises going or will he be forced to pass the baton? (Lainey Gossip)

Prince William is “a modern young man” who is “embarrassed” by religious faith. Alright, Pippa’s brother-in-law, I’m listening. (Celebitchy)

Trump’s campaign staff is already pointing fingers. (Wonkette)

From Dustin: Not a fan of Taylor Lorenz, but I do love that MAGA’s desperation is so apparent in their decision to rally around a squirrel. (UserMag)

Netflix is removing nearly all of its interactive titles. (The verge)

John Oliver makes a plea to the non-voting left. (Vulture)

Harrison Ford sees nothing wrong with starring in Marvel movies. (Gizmodo)

From Kayleigh: Bow down to your new master: Haggis! (Twitter)

Channing Tatum could really use some Dunkin. (The Cut)

Wyatt Cenac calls out Jon Stewart for defending Tony Hinchcliffe. (A.V. Club)

Kittenkong42 has been a casual fan of Batman since she was a teen, so when she saw images from The Wayne Family Adventures by CRC Payne & Starbite she delightedly read the Webtoon series. “Seeing a Batfamily who love each other and deal with trauma responses in a grown up way is delightful.” Do you prefer your Batman grimdark or the head of a loving and complicated batfamily? (Cannonball Read 16)

Programming Note: Because no one’s rightly going to give a single goddamn about anything but the election tomorrow night, we will be having an Open Thread instead of Pajiba Love. In the meantime, here’s hoping this dude is right, and I am this close to getting “Nate Silver is the Rotten Tomatoes of Polling” tattooed across my chest.