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What Did Nancy Mace Do Now?

By Dustin Rowles | News | December 12, 2024 |

Header Image Source: YouTube Screenshot

For all the criticism the left gets for virtue signaling, no one in Congress does it more than Nancy Mace, the South Carolina Republican Congresswoman. Her “virtues” are just different. After years of struggling to gain attention, she has finally found an issue that lets her compete with Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene in the performative victimhood Olympics: transphobia.

The Congresswoman—who, according to AOC, is widely disliked even by her GOP colleagues—pushed Speaker of the House Mike Johnson to pass an anti-trans bathroom bill last month. The bill, which applies to public restrooms in Congress, is a needlessly cruel and pointless attack on Rep. Sarah McBride, the first trans member of Congress. It’s especially absurd given that each Congressperson has access to private bathrooms.

After discovering the key to unlimited attention, Nancy Mace—who was pro-trans rights before she was anti-trans—is cynically running with it. This culminated in an incident yesterday where she claimed she was “physically accosted” by James McIntyre, a member of a foster advocacy group.

However, three witnesses insist McIntyre did not “accost” or “assault” Mace. According to them, he merely shook her hand and expressed that trans youth “need your support.”

“What we witnessed was a handshake—a passionate one—but it didn’t look like an assault or intended aggression,” said Elliot Hinkle, a foster care advocate from Wyoming. Hinkle recalled McIntyre saying to Mace: “Trans youth are also foster youth, and they need your support.”

But in true Congresswoman Karen fashion—now tweeting out trans slurs that even most of the worst people haven’t used since Dane Cook’s heyday—Mace called the police and had McIntyre arrested, claiming the handshake resulted in her injury. “One new brace for my wrist and some ice for my arm, and it’ll heal just fine,” she added.

Mace seems afflicted with “victim mind virus”—a.k.a. a persecution complex—so common among those on the right. It’s performative victimhood at its worst.


When people didn’t immediately stand up for her on social media, she had to do it for herself.


McIntyre has since pleaded not guilty to misdemeanor assault in the handshake.