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Megan Thee Stallion Will See You Liars in Court

By Kayleigh Donaldson | News | October 31, 2024 |

Megan thee Stallion Getty 2024.jpg
Header Image Source: Robin L Marshall via Getty Images for Amazon MGM Studios

Megan Thee Stallion has filed a lawsuit in Florida against blogger Milagro Gramz, alleging that she is purposefully spreading false and defamatory information online about her on behalf of Tory Lanez, the man who shot her.

The federal lawsuit has four causes of action, including that the defendant, real name Milagro Elizabeth Cooper, “willfully and maliciously promoted” a Deepfake Video sex tape of Megan. “Defendant Cooper knew or reasonably should have known that the Deepfake Video was an altered sexual depiction,” the suit reads. Pete is suing for promotion of an altered sexual depiction, cyberstalking, intentional infliction of emotional distress and false light invasion of privacy, according to the suit. The suit describes “the lengths to which Defendant Cooper goes to harass Ms. Pete”, “for no other reason than to bully, harass and punish Ms. Pete for Mr. [Daystar] Peterson’s [Tory Lanez’s real name] conviction and to tarnish her reputation, causing emotional distress.”

A reminder that Tory Lanez was found guilty of shooting Megan in the foot and was sentenced to ten years in prison.

Defendant Cooper is Milagro Gramz is one of many so-called gossip bloggers who got a lot of attention online during the Lanez trial for claiming that Megan lied about being shot. To be specifically accused of acting on behalf of the convicted criminal is a very serious claim to make, and Megan’s team will have to have an airtight case to prove this.

This isn’t the first time a prominent rapper has sued a gossip blogger for spreading lies. Cardi B famously won her case against YouTuber Tasha K, who maliciously spread lies about Cardi having an STD, cheating on her husband, and doing hard drugs. That case led to Tasha owing Cardi close to $4 million. She had to file for bankruptcy and was still ordered to pay up. Milagro’s going to have to hope she has deep pockets, and not just for the legal costs.

In a statement about the lawsuit, Megan said:

“It’s time to hold bloggers accountable for years of harassment, cyberbullying and the publication of misinformation about my personal and professional life.

I’ve endured countless attacks on my character based on false narratives from social media bloggers misrepresenting themselves as journalists.

It’s unacceptable behavior and these individuals need to understand there will be repercussions for recklessly posting lies and defamatory falsehoods.”

Frankly, I’m surprised there haven’t been more suits like this in the aftermath of the Cardi case. A hell of a lot of stupid people think they can say whatever they want online and position themselves as experts on a celebrity’s life, as though that gives them the knowledge and permission to get super litigious. Shock horror, if you accuse someone of lying about being shot and make a lot of money from spreading that lie, you shouldn’t be surprised if you end up in a courtroom watching your life savings be drained.

Megan was put through the absolute wringer when she was violently assaulted. Many in her own industry painted her as a vicious liar trying to ruin a good man’s life. Wild conspiracies were spun about her. She was sold as “yet another woman lying about her assault” and positioned as someone to destroy. And a lot of people jumped on that bandwagon because they love to hate women (especially Black women and bisexual women.) Now, she’s fighting back against this ghoulish ecosystem. Take them all to the f*cking cleaners, Meg. Hot Lawsuit Winter.