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Joel McHale’s 'Scream 7' Casting Offers Surprising Story Details

By Andrew Sanford | News | January 17, 2025 |

Header Image Source: Paramount Pictures

Continuity in horror franchises is about as loose as it gets. A murderer can suddenly be revealed to be the lead character’s sister. Then, that character can die in a car accident between films but leave her new daughter behind to battle a movie monster. But wait! The character isn’t dead but also never had a daughter, and actually had a son who she helped escape while vanquishing the monster. Gotcha! The monster isn’t dead and returns to kill the character we’ve loved all along. Not so fast! That character is brought back and nothing happened except in the first movie. All of that is just the Halloween movies!!

They aren’t the only ones who will change up their film’s history at the drop of a hat, just the most fun. While not as crazy in its changes, the Scream franchise isn’t precious with its history. Scream 3 reveals one person orchestrated the events of the first two movies. The fourth film sees the death of a character played by Hayden Panettiere only for her to return in the sixth (albeit with a tease in the fifth). Hell, the newest film even teased that Matthew Lillard’s character from the first film is still alive despite having a tube TV dropped on his head.

Now, Scream 7 is throwing some new changes at us. Deadline is reporting that Joel McHale will be playing Marc Evans, husband to Neve Campbell’s Sydney Prescott. Anyone who watched the films assumed that Sydney married Mark Kincaid, her love interest from Scream 3 who was played by Patrick Dempsey. Hell, she says her husband’s name is Mark in the 2022 Scream. However, that is not who she married and it isn’t even an instance of recasting. McHale is just playing a different Mark.

There could be plenty of reasons for the change. Maybe the filmmakers wanted Sydney to move on. She needed a new life and new challenges. But the most likely answer is that Dempsey wasn’t available to jump into a film that was thrown together somewhat at the last minute after the original film was jettisoned when the studio fired one of its leads for speaking out against the genocide in Gaza and the other dropped out. But ya know I could just be connecting dots that aren’t there!

Regardless, Scream 7 will reveal its secrets when it is released. My guess is that they will finally bring Matthew Lillard’s murderous Stu Macher back with a vengeance. However, casting Joel McHale in a franchise where people are revealed to be murderers and then off up big, crazy monologues explaining why and not having him do that feels like a waste. He’s perfect for it.