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Jimmy Kimmel's 'Special Monologue for the Republican in Your Life'

By Dustin Rowles | News | October 30, 2024 |

Header Image Source: Getty Images

All the late-night hosts tell jokes about Donald Trump, and it’s clear none of them are fans (although Fallon probably doesn’t care one way or another). I do feel, however, that Jimmy Kimmel is a little more invested, as Donald Trump has repeatedly criticized him, often in more personal ways. His jokes about Trump often have hair on them and, of all the late-night hosts, I can see Trump more likely to single Kimmel out as “an enemy of the people.”

And that’s probably part of the reason why Kimmel took twenty minutes out of his show last night for a special monologue he wrote for “The Republican in Your Life.” Kimmel designed the monologue for Republicans who are fed a steady diet of Fox News and are locked in an echo chamber, and it’s comprised almost entirely of Trump’s own words.

“What I’m asking you to hear is not what I have to say. It’s what he has to say.” The video takes aim at the “plan” to replace Obamacare that Trump has been on the verge of revealing for eight years now (and still only has “concepts of a plan”); there’s Trump’s obsession with windmills; the electrocution/shark stuff; all the grifty merch he sells; the insane conspiracy theories he spreads; and his intention to steal the 2024 election.

It’s good. Show it to your Republican family members. Maybe it will convince a few.