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The Farrelly Brothers Are Still Bad

By Dustin Rowles | News | November 7, 2024 |

Header Image Source: Paramount+

The Farrelly Brothers ruled ’90s comedy like Apatow did in the ’00s, cranking out Dumb and Dumber, Me, Myself & Irene, Kingpin, and, of course, There’s Something About Mary. But then Shallow Hal hit in 2001 and broke them, and they’ve been spinning their wheels ever since. See: Hall Pass, Champions, Osmosis Jones, and Stuck on You (okay, I didn’t hate that one).

They’ve been pulling the same schtick since Mary, but the world of comedy has (mostly) moved on. With Dear Satan, they’re reuniting with Shallow Hal’s Jack Black and sticking to what they know, but this time, aiming their humor at kids. That makes sense.

Jack Black will probably salvage some laughs (he’s perfectly cast), but let’s not kid ourselves (shoot me): it’s still juvenile, and not in a good way. It might be worth a stream when it hits Paramount+, but more likely, it’s just a tutorial for the kids on how *not* to do comedy.

Dear Satan hits Paramount+ on November 25th and may be the ideal movie to sleep through after a Thanksgiving meal.