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Chloe Fineman Reveals Which 'SNL' Host Made a Cast Member (Her) Cry

By Dustin Rowles | News | November 12, 2024 |

Header Image Source: NBC

Back in the day, when we could blissfully spend entire news cycles speculating over blind items, Bowen Yang revealed that a certain anonymous Saturday Night Live host had once been so mean that he made cast members cry. He didn’t reveal who it was, which left us guessing. Many assumed it was Eddie Murphy, reasoning that if any host had the power to bring a cast member to tears, it would be one of the greatest to ever do it.

We apologize to Mr. Murphy. He wasn’t the host who made cast members cry, though Bowen Yang would later reveal that this host did so because he “hated their ideas.” It should’ve been clear that it wasn’t because he thought he was funnier; it’s because he has no sense of humor. Of course, it was Elon Musk (another popular guess), as Chloe Fineman disclosed on TikTok after Musk allegedly commented that SNL was no longer relevant.

“I just saw some news article about Elon Musk being butt-hurt about ‘SNL’ and his impression,” Fineman said in a now-deleted TikTok. “But I’m like, ‘You’re clearly watching the show. Like, what are you talking about?’”

“And I’m like, you know what? I’m gonna come out and say at long last that I’m the cast member he made cry. And he’s the host who made someone cry. Maybe there are others,” she said. She shared that she had worked on a sketch all night and was thrilled to show it to Musk, but he only “stared” at her when he read it.

“I asked if you had any questions, and you stared at me like you were firing me from Tesla and said, ‘It’s not funny.’ I waited for you to be like, ‘Ha ha, joke.’ No. Then you started pawing through my script, flipping each page, saying, ‘I didn’t laugh once, not one time,’” she recalled.

The sketch eventually made it to air, and Fineman even admitted she thought Musk was “funny” in it. She didn’t specify which sketch it was, but it was probably “The Ooli Show,” where Musk appears as the talk show host’s creepy cousin who won’t stop hitting on her. Given what we know about Musk—including that he reportedly offered RFK Jr.’s running mate, Nicole Shanahan, his sperm—that character portrayal seems fitting.