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Hot Blond Hartnett Going Full Statham is the Energy We Need in 2025

By Dustin Rowles | News | January 2, 2025 |

Header Image Source: British Sky

Jason Statham’s Beekeeper was a sleeper box office hit last year (it scored over $150 million worldwide on a $40 million price tag), and now a blond Josh Hartnett seems to be attempting to carve out a similar hit with another bonkers B-action movie.

Fight or Flight really should be called Crank Plane, becuase it has the energy of Crank crossed with a premise closer to the woefully disappointing Bullet Train. Hartnett is tasked with tracking down a mercenary on a plane only to discover that the plane is full of assassins, all of whom want to kill him. The film comes from James Madigan, the second unit director on The Meg, who makes his feature film debut. In addition to Hartnett — fresh off his weirdly well-received role in Trap — he also brings along longtime Pajiba fave Katee Sackhoff.

Fight or Flight arrives in theaters in the Middle East on February 6th. It will come out on Sky Cinema in Britain at the same time. It’s unclear if or when it will arrive in America. Devastating, I know. We will not rest until it is legally available to American viewers. THIS IS OUR NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION.