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‘Avatar 3’ Is on the Way and It Looks Rad

By Andrew Sanford | News | January 17, 2025 |

Header Image Source: Disney

I have not seen the first Avatar since it was released in 2009. Still, I remember it vividly. It was Christmas Day, and my best friend and I saw it in a packed IMAX theater at 11 in the morning. There was a moment during the film when I thought people were sitting in front of me who had not been there before. Nope. It was the 3D, placing me in a room with soldiers getting briefed (I think. It’s been 16 years). My jaw was agape and moments like that were peppered throughout the film. Then I had no desire to go back. Regardless, I’ve seen the sequel twice.

Not only did I love Avatar: The Way of Water when I saw it in theaters, but I put it on a second time because I wanted a good cry, and hoo boy did it deliver. Yes, elements of the film are a bit straightforward like its predecessor, but they are handled so masterfully that they still pack all the right punch. Cameron films action like few other directors, and Avatar 2 is full of it. Then, it will give you whole scenes of a child swimming with a giant whale creature, bonding over their shared pain. It f***ing rules, so of course I’m excited for Avatar: Fire and Ash to release this year, and Empire is here to help feed that hype.

The new issue of Empire magazine will include the first look at a new Na’vi to be introduced in the upcoming film. But we don’t have to wait! The site has posted concept art for the Ash Clan who will possibly be at odds with Jake Sully and his Na’vi family. We will also meet the Wind Traders who fly massive creatures through the skies of Pandora and trade as they go. Like The Way of Water, Fire and Ash will explore an unrevealed aspect of Pandora, and I wonder if that will be a trend for each installment.

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It’s not even like flying giant creatures like they are planes or airships is an original or even novel idea. But there is a clear sense of design and creativity in the art. I’m thrilled to see it come to life. I never would have imagined feeling so in the pocket for this franchise but that last film really hooked me and opened me up to the possibilities of Pandora. There was also a lot of family stuff in the sequel, which hit this (at the time) new(ish) Dad square in the feels.

I don’t know if I’ll rewatch the first Avatar anytime soon, just so I can have the novelty of having not seen it in almost two decades. But I will watch The Way of Water again and I’ll be the first one with 3D glasses on when Ash and Fire hits IMAX screens this year.