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Everyone's Having That Kinda Week, Huh?

By Genevieve Burgess | News | November 10, 2024 |

Header Image Source: HBO

‘Tis the Season to be Irish: Countdown to Christmas on Hallmark at 8:00pm ET. Original telefilm. Alright, look; can the “Fall is the best season!” people please start throwing their weight around holding off the Christmas countdowns until Thanksgiving? There are like 3-4 PRIME fall weeks between Halloween and US Thanksgiving and it seems like all that ground has been ceded to winter/Christmas. It’s still decorative gourd season! Chunky sweaters and fluffy boots season! Hell, in my part of the East Coast it was goddamn shorts weather last week still so it’s especially frustrating to see snowy tableaus popping up everywhere.

Yellowstone on Paramount at 8:00pm ET. Fifth season fall premiere.

From on MGM+ at 9:00pm ET.

The Penguin on HBO at 9:00pm ET. First season finale.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on HBO at 11:00pm ET. GOSH, JOHN, WHAT DID HAPPEN LAST WEEK?