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Best Frenemies Forever

By Genevieve Burgess | News | November 11, 2024 |

Header Image Source: HBO

9-1-1: Lone Star on Fox at 8:00pm ET. Gotta say, Grey’s Anatomy has really slacked off in the ridiculous big disaster episodes and Fox has launched a couple of shows to step into that gap.

Superman & Lois on The CW at 8:00pm ET.

Poppa’s House on CBS at 8:30pm ET. Anytime I see Damon Wayans Jr. in something I miss Happy Endings, even though I know it almost certainly would have been cancelled by now even if it had gotten more than two seasons.

My Brilliant Friend on HBO at 9:00pm ET. Series finale. The story of Lila and Lenú comes to a close.

What We Do in the Shadows on FX at 10:00pm ET.