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Yes, Mr. Elwes. That Is The Face We Made On Seeing The Trailer For 'The Hyperions'

By Claude Weaver III | Film | February 11, 2022 |

By Claude Weaver III | Film | February 11, 2022 |


We here behind the scenes at Pajiba are real big fans of Cary Elwes. How can you not be, with his turns in Oxford Blues, Kiss the Girls, Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox, and even the classic fantasy romance A Castle for Christmas.

Also, some other random film the rest of them keep screaming about, I don’t know.

From his acting to his in-person personality and warmth, it’s hard not to like him in general. It certainly didn’t hurt his standing when he absolutely BODIED Ted Cruz multiple times. To the pain, INDEED.

So yeah, it was a bit of a shock to see the trailer for his upcoming film The Hyperions and the very first and last things you see are the words “The Daily Wire”.

If you are somehow not familiar with the brainchild of conservative media “personality” and suspected aquaphobe Ben Shapiro and Jeremy Boreing, I envy you. Originally starting as an online news publication, The Daily Wire recently started expanding into film and books as a more American conservative counterweight to the “wokeness” of Hollywood. Which makes the sight of Elwes in a trailer for one of their projects a bit… confusing, to say the least.

From Deadline:

Starring Cary Elwes (The Princess Bride), The Hyperions tells the story of Professor Ruckus Mandulbaum who, in 1960, invented the Titan badge device that allows humans to have superpowers. The ingenious professor took three scrappy youths and turned them into a family of quirky superheroes — the Hyperions. The quartet soon became a global phenomenon.

Over time, though, the group had a falling-out and Professor Ruckus replaced the three original Hyperions with a cadre of new teens. By 1979, two of the Hyperions wanted their Titan badges back and went through great lengths to recover them, including robbing the professor’s museum and inadvertently taking a few hostages along the way.

Also starring are Penelope Mitchell (Hellboy), Tanner Buchanan (Cobra Kai), Elaine Tan (Tully), and Alphonso McAuley (Walk of Shame).

The film was written, produced, and directed by Jon McDonald (Muddy Corman) under his American Millimetre banner. Justin Bell of Justin Bell Productions and Jon Michael Kondrath at ReKon Productions were also producers on the film.

The movie was originally bought by Saban Films last summer (if that name sounds familiar, Haim Saban basically co-wrote nearly every cartoon theme song every Millennial remembers from childhood, as well as popularizing tokusatsu shows in the USA through Power Rangers) who then sold it to The Daily Wire. It was also in post-production for three years, meaning it was made before the film side of TDW was even a thing.

So rest your worried hearts, Dread Pirate Roberts fans (except you Ted Cruz, stay mad that he hates you). Cary Elwes hasn’t (knowingly) sold his soul to what is by all appearances the total antithesis of his whole persona. Nope, it’s just another case of the weird and wild business of Hollywood.

Which makes this whole thing even sadder, because Cary Elwes in a quirky superhero dramedy with tinges of The Mysterious Benedict Society and The Umbrella Academy has a lot of appeal, and now there is a very unfortunate con to all those pros. And it seems like The Daily Wire (which has made it very clear that their ideology comes first and foremost over any kind of entertainment value) is aware this film is markedly different from the rest of their slate, if Borering’s words are any indication (emphasis mine):

“Director Jon McDonald is a true auteur, and The Hyperions is one of the most original films I’ve seen. It’s a movie about pride, family, and reconciliation - values we all share regardless of our politics. It’s a perfect movie for Daily Wire, even though I doubt anyone involved in making it listens to The Ben Shapiro Show. I consider it a privilege to bring this film to our audience.”

It will be interesting to see how TDW actually handles this film, since so far they had their first film (the notorious Run Hide Fight) available for free on YouTube for a short period before it was made exclusive to TDW subscribers. They also did this for their first original production Shut-In earlier this month, and the trailer indicates this will be the case for The Hyperions as well.

Meanwhile, for those of you who would rather not hand money over to a company who proudly works with spewers of antisemetic and racist garbage, bag-fumbling vaccine skeptics who can’t handle the concept of pronouns, enablers of “the Harvey Weinstein of Indie Film”, as well as other not-great people, I guess this is your heads up to skip this one. If it makes you feel any better, most of the non-garbage people involved have already been paid, and it’s really only a case of The Daily Wire making their investment back, so it’s not like you are hurting dear Mr Elwes by not seeing it or, say, taking… other measures. Not that I am condoning anything untoward.

The Hyperions premieres on only The Daily Wire platform March 10, 2022.