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Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh Will Ruin Your Day in the 'We Live in Time' Trailer

By Dustin Rowles | Film | July 10, 2024 |

By Dustin Rowles | Film | July 10, 2024 |


It’s been a while since we had a good, old-fashioned straight-up weeper in the middle of Oscar season, but that’s what the trailer for A24’s We Live In Time portends. In the movie, per the logline, Almut (Florence Pugh) and Tobias (Andrew Garfield) are brought together in a surprise encounter that changes their lives (she runs him over with her car). As they embark on a path challenged by the limits of time (she gets cancer, but not before they have a kid), they learn to cherish each moment of the unconventional route their love story has taken in filmmaker John Crowley’s (Brooklyn) decade-spanning, deeply moving romance.

Basically, it’s a cancer movie, and when was the last time we got a seriously decent one? 50/50, maybe? They’re designed to leave the audience broken and ruined, and if anyone can do it, it’s Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield, the latter of whom once brought many of us to tears just talking about his mother’s death on a talk show. The fact that it’s from A24 hints that there may be a twist, but the twist here may be that there’s no twist. It looks like a more straightforward version of One Day. I’m ready for it. (I am not ready for it.)

We Live in Time comes out this fall.