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Steve Martin Uses Instagram As It Was Originally Intended

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | October 9, 2024 |

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | October 9, 2024 |


You don’t need me to tell you there’s a lot of shitty stuff going on in the world. We’re all just skin and bones walking around on a floating rock, trying to get through the day without stubbing our toes. We all need distraction from the fresh hell of each passing hour, preferably with a buddy by our side to commiserate with.

Such was the original intention of social media, at least as I understood it: connection and distraction. AIM was the main thing when I was a kid. I would log onto the desktop computer in the basement of my house as soon as I got home from school to talk to the same friends I saw at school about what happened that day at school. When I was in middle school, Facebook came on the scene. My mom didn’t let me make an account until the 8th grade, and then my friends and I would take pictures of ourselves hanging out and post them for each other to look at when we got home from hanging out. We’d post status updates like, “Spaghetti and meatballs for dinner…AGAIN!!!” and change our relationship statuses to “It’s complicated” when our boyfriends didn’t text us back.

Things mostly went on like that without complaint until I was a sophomore in high school, and Instagram started to gain popularity. Back then—2010-12ish—Instagram was the same as Facebook, it was just easier. Now, we posted our sleepover pictures and our status updates at the same time. You couldn’t include a bunch of pictures in one post like you could on Facebook, though, which meant you had to be more selective. This raised the stakes of picture-taking opportunities because if you could only post one picture from homecoming, it had to be a good one.

There’s a lot of discourse these days about social media and how it affects young minds. This is not about that, and you probably shouldn’t be asking me anyway—I am one of those young minds who was corrupted by the internet in ways I am still unaware of. But I have to tell you that, in those early days, Instagram was like that quote from Slaughterhouse-Five, which we were reading in English class at the time: “Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt.” It was just vibes, none of this “branding” and “photo dump” and “hard launch” and “finsta” business. We were sharing pictures with each other. That’s it.

These days, in an otherwise grueling, tiresome internet hellscape, Steve Martin’s Instagram is a bright light. Steve Martin, as far as I know, is the last person using Instagram like we used to when we were teenagers. He made his account in 2022, and his first five—yes, FIVE—posts were of poached eggs on toast.

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A post shared by Steve Martin (@stevemartinreally)

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His sixth post was him noodling around on a banjo with the caption, “I’m still learning the ropes on Instagram…posting this for fun and learning.” Exactly, Steve. Exactly.

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More recently he has started promoting his work, because he’s a working man after all, but that doesn’t stop him from delighting his followers with little tidbits like this:

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A post shared by Steve Martin (@stevemartinreally)

You see, the intention of Instagram, which Steve Martin clearly inherently understands, is all in the name. Let’s break it down: “Insta,” short for “Instant,” (you see where this is going) and “gram,” as in, I can only assume, “Telegram.” It’s an instant telegram. An instant photo telegram. A little love note in photographic form, blasted off into the ether quickly and conveniently. Why does it need to be more complicated than that? It doesn’t. It shouldn’t. It isn’t.

Just take it from Steve.

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