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Jenna Fischer Announces She Had Breast Cancer, And That She Is Now Cancer Free

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | October 9, 2024 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | October 9, 2024 |


You just never know what people are going through, and a lot of times, that’s exactly the way that people prefer it. Jenna Fischer, the star of The Office, who also co-hosts a hugely successful The Office rewatch podcast with Angela Kinsey, announced yesterday both that she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer and that she is currently cancer-free.

“Back in October of 2023, I posted a photo of myself on Instagram preparing for my routine mammogram with a joking reminder to ‘take care of your ticking time bags,’ a la Michael Scott. After inconclusive results on that mammogram due to dense breast tissue, my doctor ordered a breast ultrasound. They found something in my left breast. A biopsy was ordered. Then, on Dec. 1, 2023, I learned I had Stage 1 Triple Positive Breast Cancer.”

Triple Positive Breast Cancer sounds like a form of breast cancer made up by AI, but it is real, and it is aggressive. However, it is also “highly responsive to treatment,” which included a lumpectomy, chemotherapy, and radiation to ensure it did not return. During the long ordeal, Fischer lost her hair and wore wigs and wig hats (or “wigats,” as she called them).

“While I continue to be treated with infusions of Herceptin and a daily dose of Tamoxifen, I’m happy to say I’m feeling great,” Fischer wrote.

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Get those “ticking time bags checked” yearly, folks.